


The Impact of Strategic Alignment between Knowledge Management Strategy and Strategic Information Technology Management on Knowledge Management Performance




陳岳陽(Yue-Yang Chen)


知識管理策略 ; 策略資訊科技管理 ; 知識管理績效 ; 策略配適 ; Knowledge Management Strategy ; Strategic IT Management ; Strategic Alignment ; Knowledge Management Performance




18卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


183 - 213




近來,學術界以及實務界皆已體認到資訊科技的應用對有效執行知識管理活動的重要性,咸認為有效率的知識管理專案若無資訊科技基礎建設的輔助與催化(catalyze)是無法獲致成功的;相同地,就算組織投資再多的資訊科技於知識管理活動上,若無有效管理,並配適適當的知識管理策略的話,亦無法使知識管理成功。因此,知識管理策略與資訊科技管理必須相互搭配,在兩者達到有效配適的情況之下,知識管理績效才可有效提升。 本研究主要目的即在針對「知識管理策略」及「策略資訊科技管理」兩者之策略配適進行分析。利用問卷調查法蒐集161份台灣企業的有效樣本,透過共變異模型(fit as covariation)、構型離差模型(fit as profile deviation)及配合模型(fit as matching)等不同的策略配適觀點,加以驗證本研究所提出的「知識管理策略配適模式」。研究結果顯示,上述的三種觀點皆驗證了知識管理策略與策略資訊科技管理之策略配適會對知識管理績效產生顯著性地影響。本研究建議組織在推動知識管理的實務上,能以宏觀的策略面觀點為之,並使組織績效能在考量策略配適的綜效影響下,獲取全面性的進展。


Recently, both researchers and practitioners have started to realize the importance of the information technology (IT) for effective KM activities. It is found that an organization which was high quality in both KM and IT fit achieved high KM performance and satisfaction more frequently than those whose quality fitted low. Accordingly, the strategic alignment between KM and IT in managing business activities must be considered for KM performance. Accordingly, this study empirically examines the KM performance implications of aligning an organization's KM strategy with its strategic IT management. Data were collected from the top-ranked companies in Taiwan, yielding 161 valid samples. Multiple perspectives of strategic alignment, namely fit as covariation, fit as profile deviation, and fit as matching were employed to verify the research model of KMSAM (Knowledge Management Strategic Alignment Model). The result of this study is showed that KM performance is significantly enhanced by strategic alignment between KM strategy and strategic IT management.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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