


A Modified ElGamal-like Digital Signature in the Application of Electronic Commerce




王連杰(Lian-Jie Wang);陳正鎔(Jonathan Jen-Rong Chen);孫屏台(Pin-Tai Sun)


資訊安全 ; 數位簽章 ; 電子商務 ; 公平交易協定 ; 離散對數 ; Information Security ; Digital Signature ; Electronic Commerce ; Fair Exchange Protocols ; Discrete Logarithm




18卷3期(2011 / 07 / 01)


1 - 24






Recent network and information technology developments have enabled numerous enterprises to conduct routine operations using an e-business model. Because remote customers and businesses communicate over a network, they are vulnerable to invaders eavesdropping or forging messages or data. Therefore, internet security is fundamental to electronic commerce. This paper proposes a modified ElGamal-like digital signature scheme to protect original messages from being forged, counterfeited and interpolated. The scheme introduces a trusted third party that arbitrates disputes between the sender and receiver. Using a double-line of defense, the scheme locates the malicious invasion at the first line, collecting evidence which it transfers to the trusted third party arbitrating the dispute. Therefore, this improved digital signature scheme can manage the threat of forge activity and protect the transfer of e-commerce data over networks, and performs more efficiently than others.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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