


Exploring User Participative Behavior and its Antecedents in Virtual Communities of Consumption




徐暄淯(Hsuan-Yu Hsu);葉玉青(Yu-Chin Yeh);嚴秀茹(Rebecca Hsiu-Ju Yen)


虛擬社群參與行為 ; 共同生產 ; 市場行家 ; Participative Behavior in Virtual Communities ; Co-production ; Market Maven




18卷4期(2011 / 10 / 01)


43 - 69






Building on the concept of customer participation, we propose that consumers' participation in the virtual community of consumption (VCC) comprises four types of behaviors which are affected by three co-production conditions. In addition, this study explores whether the effects of the antecedents on participative behaviors are moderated by members' market maven. The research model proposed in the study is tested with hierarchical regression analysis on data collected from 468 members of VCCs. The results reveal three major findings. First, the three co-production conditions, namely the cooperative norms, product expertise and motives for participating, all have significantly positive effect on members' participative behaviors. Second, the three co-production conditions do not have equivalent effect on the four participative behaviors. Finally, the relationship between motives for participating and one of the participative behaviors, spreading positive word-of-mouth, is positively moderated by members' market maven. The implications for future research directions are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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