


The Influence of Information Privacy Concern on Users' Intentional Behavior in Social Networking Websites-An Example on Facebook


郭明煌(Ming-Huang Guo);廖鴻圖(Hung-Tu Liao);蕭麗齡(Li-Lin Hsiao);王亭雅(Ting-Ya Wang)


理性行為理論 ; 隱私機制 ; 資訊隱私顧慮 ; 臉書 ; theory of reasoned action ; privacy mechanism ; concerns on information privacy ; Facebook




21卷4期(2014 / 10 / 01)


341 - 363






Purpose-Social networking websites change along with the time. The trend to set personal data in transparent had brought a lot of privacy issues. In order to balance the openness and privacy issues, social networking websites frequently update their privacy settings and policies to reduce privacy issues. In this study, we want to explore the relationship between the protection of personal data and the behavior on Facebook users. Design/methodology/approach-The study is based on theory of Reasoned Action, and collects 426 valid samples from Facebook users. Findings-According to the results of statistic analyze, concerns on information privacy significantly affect personal attitude. Structural guarantee and privacy empowerment significantly affect trust. Moreover, trust, subjective norms and attitude significantly affect behavioral intentions. Research limitations/implications-The study explores the relationship between the protection of personal data and the user behavior on Facebook. Therefore, the results might be not appropriate to explain users' behavior on other social networking websites. Practical implications-In order to running in a proper economy of scale, the social networking websites try many ways to fascinate users to register in. In the study, it shows that concerns on information privacy highly affects personal attitude, and trust significantly affects behavioral intentions. Therefore, mangers are suggested to provide a more safely environment, so that users will continuously stay in the social networking websites. Originality/value-The study shows that uses do concern about how the personal information is protected in the social networking websites. It reminds and emphasizes that, management is much more important than applications or functionalities provided in nowadays information systems.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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