


Factors Affecting the Intention of Messages Forwarding in the Social Network Sites


高浩剛(Daniel Ho-Gan Gau);鄭秀芬(Hsiu-Fen Cheng);江長唐(Chang-Tang Chiang);楊銘賢(Ming-Hsien Yang)


社群網站 ; 訊息轉載 ; 資訊採納模式 ; 主觀規範 ; Information Adoption Model (IAM) ; message forwarding ; social network sites ; social norm




21卷4期(2014 / 10 / 01)


365 - 389






Purpose-This study aims to discuss whether user's intention of forwarding a message in the social network sites might be affected by user's feeling, social identity, and social norm. Design/methodology/approach-After reviewing the related literatures, the study proposed a conceptual model that indicates message quality and source credibility may affect message usefulness, and social identity may affect social norm. Meanwhile, message playfulness, message usefulness, and social norm may affect message forwarding intention as well. Then, the study conducted a survey to test the model. Findings-Based on the analysis of 350 valid online questionnaires, the study results show that all the hypotheses are statistically significant and the proposed model is validated. Research limitations/implications-Drawing on IAM and TAM2, the current study offers a practical procedure to explain whether user's intention of forwarding a message in the social network sites might be affected by user's feeling, social identity, and social norm. However, the current study was conducted in Taiwan. The non-diverse sample limits broader generalization. It is necessary that this study be further tested in other countries to enable broader generalization. Practical implications-The results of this study indicate that user's intention of forwarding a message in the social network sites will be affected by user’s feeling, social identity, and social norm. It is therefore essential that enterprises to monitor users' behavior and do something accordingly while operating their social network sites in marketing practices. Originality/value-The proposed model is suitable not only for academic researchers for further investigation but also for industrial practitioners on marketing online groups.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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