


A Traceable Supplier Relationship Network Knowledge-Based System based on Recursive Structure


陳滄堯(Tsang-Yao Chen);戚玉樑(Yu-Liang Chi)


供應商關係管理 ; 供應商關係網絡 ; 追溯 ; 知識本體 ; 語意規則 ; supplier relationship management ; supplier relationship network ; trace ; ontology ; semantic rules




22卷4期(2015 / 10 / 01)


445 - 474






Purpose-This study aims to develop an ontological knowledge-based system to address the issue of supplier tracing in the supplier relationship networks. Design/methodolgy/approach-We develop an ontological knowledge-based system (KBS) based on tree recursive algorithm. The design includes two major components: 1) Using OWL-based approach to construct the concepts and attributes of supplier relationship into the knowledge framework; 2) Creating SWRL-based rules to define the inference processes in terms of the steps of tracing upstream suppliers. The created inference mechanisms then enable the reasoning of implicit knowledge from the known facts. Findings-The experimental results show that the knowledge model has defined the content and relations of the problem domain and it is capable of, through chaining finite facts, inferring through the supplier relationship network for tracing suppliers at all levels. The inference results include knowledge such as potential qualified suppliers and associated suppliers. Research limitations/implications practical implications-To make the supplier relation network feasible for industry tracing, we have simplified the required information and excluded sensitive data when modeling. The logic of supplier network relationships is embedded in the design and the suppliers need only provide the known and public factual information to conduct the hierarchical relationship tracing. The production expansion problem implemented in this study can be used as a model to extend into a more comprehensive design. Originality/Values-Two major original methodological contributions are present in this study. The first is the use of tree structure to process the recursive algorithm for the analysis of foundational concepts. The second one is the development of OWL-based KBS. The OWL data model was developed to represent class structure and does not natively support KBS development.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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