


The Determining Social Needs of Self-disclosure on Social Network Sites


楊亨利(Heng-Li Yang);孫曉雅(Hsiao-Ya Sun)


自我揭露 ; 社群網站 ; 臉書 ; 人際關係需求 ; 外向人格特質 ; 自戀人格特質 ; Self-disclosure ; Social Network Sites ; Facebook ; Interpersonal Needs ; Extraversion ; Narcissism




23卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


33 - 61






Purpose-This study tried to understand the influence of self-presentation need, interpersonal need on self-disclosure of ordinary friends and intimate friends at the social network sites. Design/methodology/approach-Sample survey was applied to investigate Facebook users. The PLS was applied to data. Findings-The results reveal that "self-presentation", "expressed inclusion", and "wanted affection" needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure to both ordinary friends and intimate friends. "Expressed affection" needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure to ordinary friends. In addition, "wanted inclusion" has negative influence on either ordinary friends or intimate friends. Furthermore, there are some different findings among high/low extroverted groups and high/low narcissistic groups. Research limitations/implications - This is a cross-section survey, not longitudinal. Besides, we did not explore the detailed dimensions of self-disclosure. Practical implications-Website operators can refer to our findings to design more attractive functions. Originality/value-This study is based on grounded theory to investigate why people would self-disclose at the social network sites.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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