


Factors Influencing Internet Shopping Repurchase Intention: The Perspectives of Motivation Hub and Perceived Justice


陳岳陽(Yue-Yang Chen);孫思源(Szu-Yuan Sun);陳麗瓶(Li-Pin Chen)


自我調節機制 ; 動機匯集 ; 公平理論 ; 網際網路再購意向 ; self-regulation mechanism ; motivation hub ; justice theory ; Internet shopping repurchase intention




24卷1期(2017 / 01 / 01)


29 - 68




隨著網路風潮帶動電子商務的盛行,以標榜客戶為導向的購物網站已成為重要的消費通路,除了吸引網路消費者在虛擬空間中完成交易行為外,提昇網站客戶的滿意度及再購意向已是企業管理者首要目標。本研究運用自我調節機制中的「動機匯集」及公平理論中的「公平知覺」的觀點,期望能建構出合理的理論模式,以有效預測網路消費者的再購意向。經過相關文獻探討後,本研究提出七個研究構念,包含「知覺績效」、「分配公平」、「程序公平」、「互動公平」、「滿意度」、「網際網路購物自我效能」與「網際網路再購意向」。並抽樣有網購經驗的316 位消費者為研究對象,研究結果顯示知覺績效對分配公平、知覺績效對程序公平、知覺績效對互動公平、知覺績效對滿意度、知覺公平三構面對滿意度、滿意度對網路再購意向、網際網路自我效能對知覺績效、網際網路自我效能對網際網路再購意向皆有正向而且顯著的影響。


Purpose- Drawing on the perspectives of motivation hub and perceived justice, this present study aimed at examining the relationships among related factors with Internet shopping repurchase intention. Design/methodology/approach- The respondents of this present study were consumers who had shopping experiences from Internet. For the sake of research rigor, convenience sampling and snowball sampling were used to distribute the questionnaires. The data from the online and paper questionnaires were combined to obtain diverse sample sources. Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL software was used to examine the research model. A two-step approach was applied to data analysis. The first step involved the analysis of the measurement model, which demonstrated a sufficient level of validity and reliability. The second step was the structural model testing. Findings- The results showed that perceived performance has positive influences on distributive justice, procedural justice, and interpersonal justice; perceived performance also has positive influences on satisfaction; perceived distributive justice, procedural justice, and interpersonal justice have positive impacts on satisfaction; satisfaction has impact on Internet shopping repurchase intention; Internet shopping self-efficacy has positive impact on perceived performance and repurchase Intention. Research limitations/implications- It is recommended that other related theories or longitudinal research may be applied to the context of Internet repurchase intention to discover more significant implications. Thus, further works may integrate these critical factors and methods into research to examine their effects toward Internet repurchase intention. Practical implications- It is critical for online vendors to well-manage their EC website to serve customers and provide adequate value to customers instead of focusing on just one of aspects in their web-site development. Online vendors also should pay attention to the justice awareness for each consumer, and improve customers' performance in online shopping activities. Originality/value- Nowadays, numerous of studies have explored the factors that influencing repurchase intention in the context of online shopping. However, little research has been conducted by applying the factors of Internet shopping self-efficacy and self-regulation mechanism. Accordingly, this present study tried to integrate these factors for testing the beliefs or attitude toward repurchase intention from the Internet shopping.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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