


How Trust-Assuring Arguments Affect Consumer Trust in Group-Buying Website through the Central Route and the Peripheral Route: The Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood Model and the Moderating Effect of Perceived Price


陳美如(Mei-Ju Che);陳純德(Chun-Der Chen)


網路團購 ; 信任確保論述 ; 思考可能性模式 ; 中央路徑 ; 週邊路徑 ; internet group purchase ; trust-assuring argument ; elaboration likelihood model (elm) ; central route ; peripheral route.




24卷2期(2017 / 04 / 01)


209 - 243




本研究以思考可能性模式(Elaborate Likelihood Model)為立論基礎,試圖瞭解消費者如何透過中央路徑(論述品質)與周邊路徑(來源可信度),形成對特定團購網站(Groupon 模式)的信任,以及信任對後續相關行為意圖的影響。此外,本研究也進一步深入探討,團購價格感受高低差異如何分別調節,論述內容品質及來源可信度對團購網站信任的關係。研究係以實驗室實驗法進行,研究中共有8 種實驗情境(包括2 種論述內容品質×2 種論述來源×2 種團購價格感受)。實驗結果總共獲得274 份完整的實驗數據。研究結果發現:(1)論述內容的品質以及論述來源的可信度均會正向顯著地影響消費者對團購網站的信任。(2)在調節效果的部份,當消費者對團購價格的感受為高時,其對團購網站的信任會隨著論述內容品質的提高而增加。另一方面,當團購價格感受為低時,對團購網站的信任則會隨著論述來源可信度的提高而增加。(3)消費者對團購網站的信任會分別正向顯著地影響其購買意圖以及推薦行為。最後,本研究貢獻在於,研究結果除了能夠作為網路團購環境中,信任確保論述相關研究之積累外,同時對於團購網站業者該如何增強消費者對網站之信任,也提出諸多建議。


Purpose-Internet group buying is one of the most successful business models and strategies for e-commerce marketplace. However, increasing problems, such as defective goods or sales entanglements, have swayed consumer's confidence. As a result of lack of trust, these elevated risks and concerns have been found to inhibit and constrain the development of group buying transactions. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of trust-assuring arguments on consumer trust from the content quality (central route) and the source credibility (peripheral route), and the consequent impact on consumer's behavior intention within the context of group-buying website. Furthermore, the study also examines the extent to which argument quality and source credibility influence the formation of trust is moderated by the degree of perceived price (e.g., high or low). Design/methodology/approach-This study draws on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), and we conduct this study with experimental design approach. We chose American fried chicken website as our experimental context, since it is student's most favorite store for attending. The website for experiment is created by authors and the website layout and functions are all simulated with the real-world online group buying website. Besides, factors, such as content quality, source credibility and perceived price, are treatments to be manipulated under two levels, such as high or low. Data for other constructs are then collected through the usage of questionnaire. Lastly, 123 subjects are for pre-test, and 274 subjects are for formal study. Findings-The research result indicates, firstly, the trust-assuring arguments, including argument quality and source credibility, affect consumer's trust toward website of group buying. Second, the price plays significant moderating role. Under a higher perceived price condition but with lower trust-assuring argument perception, consumer will then perceive higher degree of transaction cost and decrease the degree of trust toward Internet group buying website. On the contrary, under a higher perceived price condition but with higher trust-assuring argument perception, this would then increase the higher level of consumer's trust toward the website. Furthermore, under lower perceived price and lower trust-assuring argument perception, even consumers perceived lower degree of risk, degree of their trust would not be increased accordingly. However, under lower perceived price and higher trust-assuring argument perception, consumers would then feel higher degree of assurance, and the degree of trust toward website would be then enhanced too. Research limitations/implications-For limitation, first, experimental subjects in this study are students. Despite their characteristics are homogeneous which are suitable for theoretical perspective testing in general, our findings might not be generalized to other contexts properly. Second, this study employs American fried chicken website as experimental setting. Likewise, our findings from such service might also not be generalized to other service contexts in proper as well. For academic implications, first, this study reinforces that institutional trust building mechanism is an important determinant for enhancing consumer's trust and subsequent transaction intention. Second, this research is consistent with prior ELM studies by illustrating how to facilitate consumer's trust through paths from argument quality (central route) and source credibility (peripheral route). Practical implications-This paper provides several managerial implications for Internet group buying management. First, for augmenting consumer's higher degree of argument quality perception, descriptions for argument should include precise title wording (claim), and then provide acceptable explanation (data and backing). Second, since trust formation from central route (argument quality) will be long-lasting than from the one from peripheral route (source credibility), we suggest that group buying managers can use persuasive photos or concrete evidences, such as bank guarantee, escrow assurance or risk guarantee from stores, to enhance consumer's higher perception of argument quality. Lastly, due to significant effect of source credibility, this study also suggests the use of well-known third-party recommendations, such as spokesman or opinion leaders, to increase the degree of source credibility perception. Originality/value-This paper is the first one that applies ELM model to investigate the effect of trust-assuring arguments on consumer trust from the content quality (central route) and the source credibility (peripheral route), and the consequent impact on consumer's behavior intention within the context of group-buying website. It advances relevant literatures and insights in explaining the effects of dual route persuasion for Internet group buying behavior. The paper concludes with implications for online group buying scholars and practitioners, and future directions for possible research are also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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