Purpose-This study aims to design systems to solve the current recommended access to physicians in the EEC internet access to needed medical difficult problem. Design/methodology/approach-This study used CommonKADS knowledge-engineering methodology to locate the domain of the physician in diagnosed enquiry, and then, design an exclusive enquiring science anthology as a basis of accessing interface to develop, exchange, and recommend the EMR. Secondary, design and recommend an effective managing system of the EMR exchanging platform to carry bulk data, and then, develop and recommend the SPARQL language of the accessing rules, aiming at the existing EEC platform to download the XML file of EMR, so as to broaden the inter-hospital application of the signed EMR Finally, use RDF-related technology to carry SPARQL-enquiring language, and further to enhance the enquiring and accessing efficiency and precision of the EEC platform. Findings-In this study, introducing EHR interoperability through empirical findings, the use of XML files generated by the application in practice to expand the extension of applications, not only can improve the exchange of electronic medical records when physicians willingness to see the doctor, and can increase the accuracy of access to medical records and timeliness, access to external medical physicians no longer need to wait for a long time, saving time outpatient medical records transfer, the more time spent on interrogation, and thus enhance the doctor-patient relationship, but also provides a platform to use existing EEC some sort of relief program on the predicament faced, Research limitations/implications-In this study, access to electronic medical records exchange, Taiwan is currently only implemented EHR environment as an object, and only in line with national health care system, whether or not covered by a health or social limits of national health care systems of the advanced countries of this study; others present Research is currently only physicians access to electronic medical records at the clinic recommended as a reference design that is appropriate for the problem of other medical specialties, is another limitation of this study. Practical implications-Conclusions from the study seen by the results of this study may expand Taiwan's electronic medical records exchange file existing range of applications; future studies will, through a wider range of medical experts in the field of knowledge development, and a combination of these faces with rich semantics of RDF files of Cloud Applications, Taiwan will forward the information to the electronic medical record massive cloud computing, and to develop national health policy, community disease prevention, medication safety and other fields. Originality/value-This study will be converted into electronic medical records XML file RDF Schema agent, not only can effectively address the plight of the operation of the existing EEC, but can be expanded to extend the application of electronic medical records, the development of an effective system of electronic medical records can be recommended to improve doctor-patient relationship
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