
We Are in the Same Boat: The Effect of Social Interdependences on Knowledge Boundary Spanning in Interdisciplinary Collaboration




朱彩馨(Tsai-Hsin Chu);邱于慈(Yu-Tzu Chiu)


interdisciplinary collaboration ; social interdependence ; knowledge boundary spanning ; project performance ; e-learning content development ; 多重學域合作 ; 社會互賴 ; 知識疆界跨越 ; 專案績效 ; 數位學習內容開發




24卷3期(2017 / 07 / 31)


307 - 340




Purpose - As organizations emphasize cross-functional team to leverage knowledge across disciplines for providing better services to customers, it is important to note the challenge due to knowledge boundaries within the collaboration among members who are trained by different disciplines. Knowledge is like a double-edged knife that can drive innovative solutions as well can hinder knowledge creation across functions because of its tacit and stickiness nature. The different assumptions, interpretations, and value schemes embedded in individual discipline make the team members have inconsistent interpretations and interests even when they use common terminologies. The raising misunderstandings and conflicts highlight an important issue called knowledge boundary problem. Design/methodology/approach-This study investigates knowledge boundary spanning by perceived goal, task and reward social interdependences under the interdisciplinary collaborative context where members have different professional backgrounds. Taking e-learning content development that engages different professions as an example, this study conducted a survey to empirically examine how social interdependences facilitate the effectiveness of knowledge boundary spanning, and subsequently influenced the project performance. In a project level, we collected totally 70 pair of data, each of which was represented by the answers of two team members with different professional backgrounds. Findings-Applying the Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis, our findings highlighted that effective knowledge boundary spanning could predict product and process qualities. The findings also showed that perceived goal and task interdependences had significant and positive impacts on the effectiveness of knowledge boundary spanning, but perceived reward interdependence did not. Research limitations/implications-This study contributes current research by demonstrating the importance of knowledge boundary spanning for making a successful interdisciplinary collaboration. This study also extends previous research findings by showing the way where effective knowledge boundary spanning can be proactively managed through social interdependences perceived by team members who have different professions. Practical implications-To practice, our findings provide a solution to manage knowledge boundary problems that might rise problems and conflicts across professions. For effectively applying the tacit, sticky and localized practical knowledge constructed by members from other discipline, team members have to extensively concentrate on the effectiveness of lexicons transfer, interpretations translation, and interests transformation. When working on an interdisciplinary collaboration project, managers can increase the perceived goal interdependence by designing a share goal which can be accomplished when the subgroups pressure their individual goals. And, manager can make the task intertwined to increase the perceived task interdependence. Originality/value-Our findings highlight knowledge boundary issue in a collaboration evolved with members who have different professions. Our finding contributes service science and knowledge management research by making aware of the impact of knowledge boundary spanning, as well as by suggesting a way for managing knowledge boundary spanning proactively.


當組織組成跨領域團隊並期望藉助多重學域的知識來提供顧客更好的服務時,我們必需留意由於成員各自相異的專業知識而形成的合作障礙。知識就像是個雙面刃;它雖然可能促成創新的解法,但也由於知識具備高度的內隱與情境黏著性,它也可能使得跨領域的知識創造失靈。在此,即使團隊成員使用同一個術語,但由於各個專業領域所內嵌的假設、詮釋與價值觀各異,使得成員們可能對此術語產生不一致的解釋與關注重點,進而產生許多誤解與衝突。此種因為知識而產生的合作障礙,即為知識疆界問題。本研究探討在多重學域合作的情境中,團隊成員所感知的社會互賴關係(social interdependences)如何影響知識疆界的跨越。社會互賴關係提供成員橋接知識疆界的動機,好讓彼此能達成各自的目標、完成自己的工作、並獲得獎賞。以數位學習內容開發專案(其本質上需要不同專業領域的成員合作)為例,本研究調查社會互賴關係如何促進有效的知識疆界跨越並進而提高專案績效。以專案為資料分析的基礎,本研究收集了70 組資料,每一組資料皆由二位具有不同專業背景的成員填寫。運用Partial Least Squares(PLS)分析,我們發現有效的知識疆界跨越可以提昇專案產出與過程的品質。而在社會互賴關係中,當成員們感知到目標與任務的互賴將可促成知識疆界跨越,但感知獎賞互賴則無此效應。我們於文後也討論此研究發現對學術與實務可能帶來的意涵。

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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