


The Evaluation of Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process to Responsive Web Design Techniques on Heterogeneous Platforms


王聖銘(Sheng-Ming Wang);黃絜如(Chieh-Ju Huang);洪志元(Chih-Yuan Hung)


響應式網頁設計 ; 異質性平台 ; 層級分析法 ; responsive web design (RWD) ; heterogeneous platforms ; analytic hierarchy process (AHP)




25卷2期(2018 / 04 / 30)


149 - 184




因應近年來智慧型行動裝置大量普及,逐漸取代使用者原本以PC端為主要瀏覽網站資訊的形式;網站設計面對異質性平台裝置如:智慧手機、平板電腦、桌上電腦或筆記型電腦及智慧電視等多元螢幕尺寸的開發,響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design; RWD)適時地提供多螢跨屏暨異質性平台的解決方案。層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP)是一套利用多重評估準則的決策方法,彙整了專家的意見後,利用評估尺度給予決策因素權重數值的系統理論。由於響應式網頁的設計需針對異質性平台的特性做開發,因此本研究以層級分析法方式,探討有關響應式網頁設計的技術發展評估重點。本研究針對響應式網頁設計技術應用觀點,探究過去技術上的限制及現況的改變,依階段進行。先利用文獻探討方式瞭解響應式網站於異質性平台上的技術發展與特性,第一階段則藉由層級分析法,透過專家問卷調查,分析開發技術改善之優先權重評估,第二階段導入專家訪談以開發端進行實務分析,評選開發技術之評估因子;第三階段另以專家實務問卷透過描述統計,呈現次數及百分比方式進行分析,並輔以實證研究,於最後提出RWD開發技術、後續相關研究及未來發展建議,提供網站開發設計人員及未來相關研究參考。


Purpose - This study evaluates the application of responsive websites on heterogeneous platforms. Besides the weight and order of the main development technical factors Responsive Web Design (RWD), the technical limitations facing the current RWD development and the prevalence are considered for the purpose for eventually offering RWD development and construction proposals for design staff and future research. Design/methodology/approach - Literature reviews were conducted on the technical development and characteristics of responsive websites on heterogeneous platforms to find out the weight and order of the main technical factors in RWD development by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP); to discover the technical limitations facing current RWD development by expert interviews; and to convey the frequencies and percentages via descriptive statistics based on analysis of experts' practical experiences. Findings-Based on the survey of sample domestic websites, two results are obtained from this research. The first is that the number of website development techniques is still relatively low. The other is that browsers support for flexible images of HTML5 coding has significantly improved, thus easing many years of problems concerning browser compatibly with flexible images and enhancing the efficiency of downloading websites. Research limitations/implications-Regarding to the limitations of this study, most of the literature on RWD related to academic research in Taiwan is based on user experience, and there is still few academic research on RWD-related information technologies for reference. And it focuses on the discussion of RWD development technology practical application, user experience, and building costs. Practical implications-Domestic websites on multiple heterogeneous platforms still do not have a corresponding site building strategy. A method to develop and design a traditional website and then switch to a multiple, multi-screen platform has become an important issue for related practitioners. The RWD technology development issues determined from the literature review and questionnaire and expert interviews include different file size, download time, image size design, image download, CSS management, and display performance. Moreover, expert-level analysis of development technology priorities by order of weight are image download, CSS management, download time, file size, display performance, and image size design. Originality/value-In this study, the combination of literature analysis and expert interviews brings the findings closer to the current development status. The questionnaire survey and analysis can determine the key technology development factors by order of importance to aid in the decision-making process. The method and results of this research can be used as a reference by the responsive web developer engaged in platform design.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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