


Understanding Group Communication on Mobile Messaging Applications: The Roles of Social Capital and Sense of Group


陶蓓麗(Pui-Lai To);林詩雅(Shih-Ya Lin);廖則竣(Chechen Liao)


社會資本 ; 群體感覺 ; 群體溝通 ; 行動通訊軟體 ; social capital ; sense of group ; group communication ; mobile messaging applications




25卷4期(2018 / 10 / 31)


423 - 446






Purpose-There has been an explosive growth of group communication on mobile messaging applications recently. However, little research has focused on the role of social factors on mobile messaging's group communication. Thus, this study builds and tests a research model to investigate how social capital influencing users' senses of group, which in turn affect group communication. Design/methodology/approach-The research participants are users having group communication experiences on mobile messaging applications for business reasons. A total of 234 valid questionnaires were collected. Structural equation modelling was used to test the research hypothesis. Findings-The results show that users' senses of group are influenced by all three types of social capital: structural capital (centrality, network ties), relational capital (commitment), and cognitive capital (shared narratives). Senses of group also have an effect on quantity of group communication and group communication quality. Research limitations/implications-This study finds that users' senses of group play a mediating role in the relationships between social capital and group communication. Practical implications-From personal point of views, understanding the factors influencing group communication could help individuals to develop personal relationship in the future. From organizational point of views, the results of the study could guide those wishing to champion group communication in their organization. Originality/value-The study will definitely serve as a basis for the future growth of group communication on mobile messaging applications.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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