


Investigation of Viewers' Intention to Support Social Media Celebrities


鍾君宇(Jun-Yu Zhong);蔡顯童(Hsien-Tung Tsai);林國清(Kuo-Ching Lin)


社交媒體 ; 社會影響力 ; 網路名人 ; 經驗開放性 ; 支持意願 ; 推敲可能性模型 ; social media ; social influences ; social media celebrities ; openness to experience ; support intention ; elaboration likelihood model (ELM)




26卷1期(2019 / 01 / 31)


25 - 69






Purpose-This study investigated the effects of social media celebrities' thoughts and shared content as well as responses from viewers on online users' intention to support these celebrities. This study also explored the process of users' psychological formation by considering social influence theory and the moderating role of users' personalities in the constructed model. Design/methodology/approach - Random online users were administered questionnaires through an online survey platform. All analyses, namely confirmatory factor analysis, structural model evaluation, and moderating effects evaluation, were performed on LISREL 8.80. Findings-All study hypotheses are were supported, except for the effect of content innovativeness on users' identity appraisal. Among the six antecedents examined in this study, the celebrity's credibility, content inspiration, and the valence of other viewers' positive responses had strong positive effects on identity appraisal and information appraisal, which in turn positively affected users' support intention. Research limitations/implications-The findings enhance our understanding of the impact of social media celebrities and highlight the social influence process in users' intentions to support such celebrities. The findings raise issues that address the necessity for attributes of sharing contents and further distinguish the norms from other viewers into responses valence and volume to discuss external factors. The study survey adopted single-period data collection from a single respondent, which makes it difficult to verify causal relationships of the hypotheses while also increasing the common method bias. Practical implications - This paper provides social media practitioners and marketers with suggestions and guidelines to strengthen viewers' positive perceptions and their psychological evaluation of social media celebrities, thus indirectly increasing the efficiency of celebrity endorsements. Originality/values-By investigating concepts and relationships in a relevant conceptual model, the study makes academic and practical contributions to the literature on social media celebrities.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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