


Factors Influencing Continuance Intention of Online Music Streaming Services: The Service Experience and Value Co-Creation Perspectives


王凱(Kai Wang);黃詩婷(Shih-Ting Huang);戴基峯(Jeffrey C.F. Tai)


線上音樂串流服務 ; 服務主導邏輯 ; 服務體驗 ; 價值共創 ; 持續訂閱意願 ; Online music streaming services ; service-dominant logic ; service experience ; co-creation ; continuance intention for subscription




27卷4期(2020 / 10 / 31)


415 - 464






Purpose - Drawing on the service-dominant logic perspective, this research investigates: (1) the influence of platform (perceived ease of use and social presence) and content features (content richness) of online music streaming services on users' service experience and value co-creation; and (2) the relationship between service experience and value co-creation and their impacts on user satisfaction and continuance intention of subscription. Design/methodology/approach - An online survey involving 670 valid responses from facebook.com and ptt.cc was conducted. The partial least squares (PLS) method using SmartPLS was employed for data analysis. Findings - Research findings indicate that: (1) platform and content features positively influence users' service experience and co-creation; (2) service experience and co-creation mediate the influence of platform and content features on satisfaction and continuance intention for subscription; and (3) user satisfaction positively influences continuance intention for online music streaming service subscription. Research limitations/implications - (1) Research limitations include the self-selection bias of survey respondents, the cross-sectional nature that limits the observation of usage behavior, and the possible influence of memory effects of the respondents. (2) Future research directions include the incorporation of habit into the research model, investigation into switch behavior that may involve a longitudinal research design, measurement structure of value co-creation and service experience, and upgrade intention for paid services. Practical implications - (1) User participation and value co-creation could be enhanced through richer music content, platform recommendation, and community engagement. (2) Online music streaming service platform is more than a music player. It could be an intermediary that delivers music service experience through social interactions and further fosters the creation of unique brand experience. (3) Unlike the technology nature of music players, the core value of online music streaming services lies in its "service" nature. Activities such as playlist collaboration, comments, inks, and tagging contribute to value co-creation. The unique music service and interaction experience leads to stronger customer base and user continuance. Originality/value - Prior research has predominantly adopted the goods-dominant logic view in explaining how utility values affect the adoption of music services. This study advances the literature by focusing on the role of service consumers in co-creating service value. This study draws on the service-dominant logic view and adds to prior literature by identifying how content and service platform features impacts service experience that further leads to online music streaming service continuance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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