


First- or Third-Person Perspective: The Influence of Picture Perspective of Sponsored Posts on Consumers' Product Attitude and Purchase Intention


周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou);廖冠聿(Kuan-Yu Liao)


網紅 ; 業配文 ; 圖片視角 ; 心理模擬 ; 模仿 ; Internet celebrity ; sponsored post ; picture perspective ; mental stimulation ; imitation




28卷3期(2021 / 07 / 31)


247 - 280






Purpose - The Internet celebrity economy is currently booming. Many companies collaborate with Internet celebrities to enhance product awareness and transfer meaning and affection from the celebrities onto their products. Although users' social media posting habits have changed from text- to image-oriented, prior research on Internet celebrity and sponsored posts has seldom addressed the effect of the picture in a sponsored post, neglecting the fact that the pictures Internet celebrities share are photographed from different visual perspectives. This study explores how the picture's visual perspective influences consumers' product attitudes and purchase intentions through the mechanisms of mental stimulation and imitation mindset. It also examines the moderation of consumers' self-brand connection (SBC), product types, and product involvement on the visual perspectives' effects. Design/methodology/approach - Participants aged 18-24 were recruited and two experiments were conducted to test five hypotheses. Findings - Pictures with the first- or third-person perspective resulted in better product attitudes and purchase intentions than those with only the product image-mental stimulation mediated the first-person perspective's greater effect on attitudinal responses, while imitation mindset mediated the third-person perspective's greater effect. When consumers had low SBC, or when the product in the picture was symbolic or had low involvement, the first-person perspective picture gave better effects. However, the third-person perspective was observed to be more effective for functional and high-involvement products. Furthermore, the two visual perspectives showed similar effects for high SBC consumers and hedonic products. Research limitations/implications - This study used only Instagram as the experimental platform. There are numerous social media platforms nowadays, and the effects of user-generated brand content may vary from platform to platform; therefore, future research should test the effects of the picture's visual perspectives on different platforms to increase the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, it should also clarify whether the picture's visual perspective effect extends to the sponsored video posts by Internet celebrities. Practical implications - The findings offer a practical reference for vendors and Internet celebrities to take pictures with a suitable visual perspective according to the brand and product for sponsored posts. Internet celebrities can also make good use of the two psychological mechanisms (i.e., mental stimulation and imitation mindset) demonstrated in this study to try to improve the impact of sponsored posts. Originality/value - This study expands the research scope of Internet celebrity content sponsorship, contributes to influencer marketing by analyzing the effects of the picture's visual perspectives, and clarifies the functional mechanisms and boundaries of first-person and third-person perspectives. As mental stimulation and imitation mindset are rarely used to explain social media influencer marketing's effects, this study has groundbreaking significance, helpful for theory building. Since the first-person and third-person perspectives exert their respective effects via mental stimulation and imitation mindset, factors promoting or inhibiting these two mechanisms might moderate the relative effects of first-person versus third-person perspective. Thus, this study provides valuable insights for elaborating on possible moderators.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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