


Big-Data Analytics and Task Performance: The Role of Task‐People‐Technology Fit


張伊婷(Jamie Yi-Ting Chang);蔡家安(Jacob Chia-An Tsai);吳岳穎(Tim Yueh-Ying Wu);黃妍恆(Yen-Heng Huang);陳勇叡(Yung-Jui Chen)


大數據 ; 任務科技適配 ; 人員科技適配 ; 資料敘事 ; 任務績效 ; Big data analytics ; task-technology fit ; people-technology fit ; data-driven storytelling ; task performance




28卷4期(2021 / 10 / 31)


361 - 394






Organizations are increasingly implementing Big-Data Analytics (BDA) to attain superior performance. However current literature on BDA offers little insight on achieving task performance from the perspectives of a business analyst. As a result, we propose a framework that benefits business analysts by aligning task-technology fit and people-technology fit throughout their BDA usage. By using primary data from 142 business analysts among top 1,000 Taiwanese firms and utilizing partial least squares, we tested the impacts of fit on BDA-related task performances. This study highlights the significance of the task-people-technology fit, and the importance of data-driven storytelling in translating BDA capabilities into BDA-related task performance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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