


A Decentralized Voting Framework with Blockchain Technology, Voting Process Security and Voter Privacy


黃建勛(Chien-Shiun Huang);蕭舜文(Shun-Wen Hsiao)


區塊鏈 ; 投票 ; 生物辨識 ; 去中心化 ; 隱私 ; Blockchain ; I-Voting ; Bio Recognition ; Decentralization ; Privacy




29卷2期(2022 / 04 / 30)


133 - 159






In the modern era of advanced Internet technology, the initiative to use the Internet to vote has been proposed. At the same time, several countries and regions (such as Estonia and Norway) have tried to implement online voting. However, due to many information security and privacy concerns, online voting has not been massively adopted. Blockchain technology has the characteristics of openness, immutable, traceability, these features are just suitable for supporting electronic voting. This research analyzes the past online voting cases and the online voting proposal studies introduced with blockchain. The current voting mechanism establishing a credible third party or system faces difficulty choosing between security, anonymity, and convenience. The popular blockchain voting mechanisms have three major problems. First, most of the voting structures proposed in the literature belong to a centralized power administration. Once the centralized administration is attacked, the voting process and results will be inaccurate. Second, most of the voting mechanisms only interact with the blockchain at the end of the voting process. Even if the blockchain guarantees that the data on the chain is difficult to tamper with, it still cannot guarantee the virtual (blockchain data) and reality (voting behavior) integrity and consistency, causing problems of damaging voter's anonymity, voter impersonation, and ballot tampering. Third, Because of the openness and transparency of blockchain, uploading the election information and ballot on blockchain violate the anonymity of voting. After referring to the voting mechanism of various studies, this research proposes an online voting framework using biometrics and blockchain technology. For the first problem, the five voting stages are assigned to different roles for execution and supervision. Under decentralization administration, any party cannot alter the election results, thereby reducing the attack risk. For the second problem, this research proposes a more comprehensive blockchain voting framework that includes Voter Register, Voter Verify & Vote, Ballot Mining & Encryption, Ballot Decryption & Verify, and Ballot Counting & Tracing. For the third problem to solve ballot privacy, this research introduces biometric technology and hashing ballot to solve voting privacy and vote tracing. This research also discusses the attack risk and ensures that the proposed framework could avoid being attacked.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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