


A Study of Adaptive Leadership on the Digital Transformation Project Team Capability and Benefit Realization


黃妍恆(Judy Yen-Heng Huang);張伊婷(Jamie Yi-Ting Chang);陳鴻基(Houn-Gee Chen)


適應性領導 ; 數位轉型專案 ; 團隊創新能力 ; 團隊適應能力 ; Adaptive leadership ; Digital transformation project ; Team innovative capability ; Team adaptive capability




30卷2期(2023 / 04 / 30)


107 - 136




隨著數位科技蓬勃發展、消費者偏好改變和市場競爭版圖變遷,數位轉型已成為組織常見的策略性回應。組織為完成數位轉型策略的總體目標,必須逐步執行多個數位化專案,但市場快速變化往往為數位轉型專案團隊帶來莫大挑戰。在易變的市場環境下,專案團隊的創新能力及適應能力,往往成為數位轉型專案團隊執行的成功要素。學者指出領導將影響創新能力及適應能力的展現,然目前領導研究文獻仍偏重在傳統專案強調目標確定且降低環境變動情境,因此本研究旨在探索數位轉型專案經理的適應性領導可否提昇專案團隊於突發變動下的創新能力及適應能力,進而增進專案效益的實現程度。本研究以Smart PLS 3與SPSS PROCESS迴歸套件進行資料分析,研究結果揭示:(1)專案經理的適應性領導對團隊能力(團隊創新能力及團隊適應能力)有正向顯著的影響;(2)專案團隊創新能力及團隊適應能力均對效益實現有正向顯著的影響;(3)環境易變性在適應性領導對團隊能力(團隊創新能力及團隊適應能力)之間皆有正向顯著的調節作用。本研究提出以下兩點學術貢獻:(1)實證資料於專案管理文獻中,針對數位轉型常見突發變動情境,探索專案經理實踐適應性領導之必要性;(2)在市場高度變動下,適應性領導可適用於數位轉型的專案執行團隊層面,因此擴展不同於適應性領導於傳統組織層面之應用。


In light of rapid technological advancements and market changes, organizations are now facing the challenge of Digital Transformation (DT). To respond to environmental volatility, DT project teams must possess both innovation and adaptive capabilities. According to project management literature, how project manager leadership facilitates innovative and adaptive capability under environmental volatility has been overlooked. This study explores whether the Adaptive Leadership (ADL) of DT project managers enhances the team innovative and adaptive capability, especially under environmental volatility condition. A research model linking ADL to project team capabilities and DT project benefit realization is proposed. The result confirms that the ADL can promote team capabilities which, in turn, ultimately enhance the benefits realization of DT project. Furthermore, the results reveal that environmental volatility is positively associated with the impact of adaptive leadership behaviors by project managers on team capabilities. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed in the text.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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