


Belief Echoes: The Impact of Fake News and Fact-checking News on Affection of Brand


林東清(Tung-Chin Lin);傅昶曄(Chang-Yeh Fu);張玲星(Christina Ling-hsing Chang)


假新聞 ; 事實查核 ; 謠言再傳模式 ; 推敲可能性模式 ; 品牌情感認同 ; Fake news ; Fact-checking ; Rumor retransmission model ; Elaboration likelihood model ; Brand affection




30卷2期(2023 / 04 / 30)


137 - 166






Due to the development of information technology and the spread of SNS, the dissemination channels of fake news have become multiple and speedy, making more people vulnerable to the spread of fake news. However, FactCheck Center was established recently, when the public receives, and videos in the Internet, they will automatically check fake news through the FactCheck Center first, and delete them. Therefore, it reduces the chances of dissemination of many fake news, information, and videos. Because the fake news about commercial brand-related products will have a great negative impact on the reputation and revenue of business. This study takes the fake news related to commercial brands reported by the news media as the research object, and combines with the rumor retransmission model, elaboration likelihood model, and belief echo to explore the impact of fake news on belief echo of news readers. This study uses two research methods, questionnaire survey and online experiment, and collected 210 valid questionnaires. The results of this research found that news readers will strengthen their belief in fake news because of the high level of personal involvement, the high level of the source credibility, and the high quality of news arguments. Although fact-checking can reduce the level of belief in fake news for news readers with high brand emotional identification, and the phenomenon of belief echoes, but it failed to bring their attitudes toward the brand back to their original levels.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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