
Instant Gratification or Regret? Exploring Antecedents of Impulse Buying on Social Media and Postpurchase Feelings




Chiu-Ping Hsu(許秋萍);Chieh-Yu Lo(羅婕瑀)


Impulse buying ; Recommender characteristics ; Observational learning ; Instant gratification ; Regret ; 衝動購買 ; 推薦人特質 ; 觀察學習 ; 即時滿足 ; 後悔




30卷3期(2023 / 07 / 31)


221 - 254




This study explored the antecedents and consequences of impulse buying on social media platforms. Furthermore, it proposed a conceptual model of how recommender-and product-related signals and online social influence affect the browsing activities and impulse purchase behaviors of consumers on social media platforms. This study investigated the positive feeling of instant gratification and the negative feeling of regret after an impulse purchase. Smart PLS 3 was used to estimate the proposed conceptual model. In total, 445 consumers who made impulsive purchases through social media platforms completed a questionnaire survey. The empirical results indicated that the similarity to users and likeability of recommenders as well as the aesthetic appeal of recommended product posts positively and significantly influenced the browsing activities of consumers; these factors in turn promoted impulse buying. Observational learning also had a significant and positive effect on impulse buying. Furthermore, impulse buying had a significant and positive effect on instant gratification and regret.


本研究欲探討消費者在社群媒體上衝動購買的前置因素與結果,並提出概念性模型說明推薦人、產品相關信號與人際關係如何影響消費者在社群媒體上的瀏覽行為和衝動購買。此外,本研究亦同時探討衝動購買後消費者可能產生正向即時滿足以及負面後悔的感受。本研究利用Smart PLS 3進行實證分析,研究對象為曾經在社群媒體上進行衝動購物的消費者,共有445位受測者完成問卷調查。實證結果顯示,推薦人的相似度、喜愛度,以及推薦產品貼文的美學吸引力對消費者的瀏覽行為具有正向顯著的影響,並進而正向影響衝動購買。觀察學習對衝動購買也有正向顯著的影響。此外,衝動購買對即時滿足與後悔感受均有正向顯著的影響。

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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