


The Major Driving Forces behind Taiwan's Public and Private Sectors' Information Security Strategies


游佳萍(Chia-Ping Yu);趙慕芬(Mu-Fen Chao);林美齡(Mei-Ling Lin)


資訊安全策略 ; PEST分析 ; 內容分析 ; 公部門 ; 私部門 ; Information security strategy ; PEST analysis ; Content analysis ; Public sector ; Private sector




30卷3期(2023 / 07 / 31)


287 - 314




組織頻頻發生資訊安全事件,會損害競爭力,因此,對資訊安全策略的重視,已經是基本工作。組織強化資安,建置或推動資安策略,實質上是在進行組織變革,促使組織脫離現狀,進行變革的力量,稱為驅動力(driving forces)。而組織進行資安強化時,有哪些重要的驅動力,為本研究探討重點。本研究採用環境掃描工具PEST中政治法令、經濟成本、社會文化,以及技術科技四個構面,作為分析架構。深度訪談三位資訊安全顧問,取得15個個案的相關資訊,利用內容分析法整理訪談資料,以了解PEST四個構面對資訊安全策略,所扮演的推手角色。本研究有幾個發現:第一,社會文化是影響公部門資安策略的首要構面,對於私部門而言,首要構面則是技術科技;第二,公、私部門都重視員工資訊安全認知、顧問的專業資安技術以及資訊安全投資成本等。第三,在技術科技構面中,對公部門、私部門的金融與高科技產業產生影響的指標,較為分歧。最後,從宏觀環境分析的角度來觀察,公私部門面對資訊安全議題時,較為著重的環境因素。本研究結果可以幫助公部門與私部門制定更有效率的資安策略。


This study investigates the need for an information security strategy due to the harm frequent information security incidents cause to a company's competitiveness and the impetus for its transformation. Based on the PEST framework, three information security consultants were interviewed for 15 cases, and content analysis was used to analyze the data. This study found: First, the public and private sectors value information security awareness, consultant skills, and investment costs equally. Second, technology dominates information security strategy in the private sector, while social culture dominates in the public sector. Thirdly, public and private financial and high-tech industry indicators differ among technology components. Finally, the environmental factors are most significant to the public and private sectors when addressing information security issues from a macro perspective. This study provides valuable insights for the public and private sectors to develop effective information security strategies.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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