


Intention to Purchase an Immersive Augmented Reality Beauty Product


洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung);李涓潔(Chuan-Chieh Lee);張哲維(Che-Wei Chang);簡俊豪(Jyun-Hao Jian)


擴增實境 ; 購買意願 ; PAD情緒模型 ; SOR理論 ; Augmented reality ; Purchase intention ; PAD Emotional model ; SOR theory




30卷3期(2023 / 07 / 31)


315 - 345






Recently, the application of augmented reality has been widely extended to daily life, and many businesses want to use interaction to enhance the process of consumption experience, thereby increasing the willingness to purchase. Among them, the most eye-catching is the virtual makeup trial service launched by major beauty brands, which allows consumers to have an immersive experience. Therefore, this study mainly discusses the influence of the online augmented reality virtual makeup trial service of beauty products on the purchase intention, using the SOR model, taking the augmented reality feature as the prefactor and the PAD emotional model as the intermediary variable, in order to explore its impact on purchase intention. The study used 407 valid questionnaires to verify the hypothesis of the structural equation model. The results showed that in the AR online virtual makeup test, the amplification and Vividness have a positive impact on the dominant emotions, and the interrelated dominant emotions have a direct impact on Arousal emotions. In addition to making up for the gap in AR research in the past, this study also puts forward relevant operational suggestions for enterprises.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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