


An Exploratory Study of AIDS Related Knowledge and High-Risk Sexual Practices in a Regiment of Military in Taiwan




李思賢(Szu-Hsien Lee);趙運植(Yun-Chih Chao)


軍人 ; 愛滋相關知識 ; 高危險性行為 ; military ; AIDS related knowledge ; high-risk sexual practices




9卷2期(2003 / 09 / 01)


63 - 75




本研究主要目的為探討軍人對愛滋相關知識的認識程度及其高危險性行為。研究對象為150位陸軍某單位服役的士官兵。測量工具為自填式問卷,問卷內容包含三個部份:基本資料、愛滋相關知識及性行為相關經驗。 研究結果如下: 一、受訪者中有63%的人有過性經驗,第一次性交時的平均年齡為18.54歲。 二、有性經驗者中,過去保險套使用頻率為每次用以及常常用者只有33%。 三、有性經驗者中,41%有性交易經驗,40%有一夜情經驗。 四、關於愛滋知識,研究對象對愛滋病的正確傳染途徑普遍答對率較高,而對於愛滋病的錯誤傳染途徑題項普遍答對率較低。 五、單因子變異數分析結果顯示教育程度與保險套使用頻率和愛滋相關知識的得分達到顯著。   本研究發現受訪者對愛滋相關知識的瞭解仍有不足,有性經驗者中有相當比例擁有高危險性行為。個人的教育程度較低則愛滋相關知識也較低,意味著軍中愛滋教育仍有加強的空間。根據本研究發現,建議從事軍中愛滋防治教育時應同時宣導會傳染與不會傳染的途徑,特別應針對教育程度低者或輟學生。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate AIDS related knowledge and high-risk sexual practices in the military. A total of 150 participants serving in a regiment of military were recruited. Assessment instrument used was a structured questionnaire, including three parts: basic information, AIDS related knowledge, and sex-related experience. The results were as follows: 1. 63% of participants had experience in sexual intercourse and the mean age of having first sex was 18.54. 2. Of sexually experienced participants, only 33% reported that they used condom often or every time. 3. Of sexually experienced participants, 41% reported trading money for sex and 40% had one night stand experience. 4. With respect to AIDS knowledge, participants had greater understanding of the modes of transmitting, but scored lower on modes that do not transmit. 5. Results from univariate analysis of variance indicated that education and frequency of condom use were significantly associated with AIDS knowledge. The findings suggested that participants’ knowledge about AIDS was not sufficient and a substantial number of sexually experienced participants practiced high-risk sexual behaviors. Lower education was associated with lower AIDS knowledge, indicating there is room for improving AIDS education in the military. Based on our findings, it is suggested that modes that do and do not transmit should be taught, especially for people with lower education or dropouts in the military.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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