


Effect of Sexuality Education Program on College Students




陳曉佩(Hsiao-Pei Chen);晏涵文(Hen-Wen Yen)


大專生 ; 性教育介入 ; 性行為意向 ; college students ; Sexuality Education Program ; sexual behavior intention




9卷2期(2003 / 09 / 01)


77 - 94




本研究之目的在研究性教育教學課程對大專生性知識、性態度、性教育相關自我效能、同儕社會支持、性行為意向之影響,並進一步探討學生對該課程之評價。本研究採「不對等實驗組控制組設計」,立意取樣中國海商專校二專一年級四個班學生作為研究對象,並以班級為單位隨機分派為實驗組(92人)和對照組(93人)各兩班,各班男、女比率接近。在教育介入前一週兩組學生皆接受前測問卷作為評量實驗效果的基準。實驗組學生接受五週(共十小時)性教育教學活動,並探討學生對教學的過程評價及心得,而對照組則未接受教學;教學結束後一週,實行後測以評量此性教育教學之效果。研究所得資料以配對t、單因子共變數分析、多元迴歸等進行分析,所得重要結果如下:   一、性教育教學介入後,能增進大專生之「性知識」、「性態度」、「性教育相關之自我效能」與「同儕社會支持」,而「性行為意向」的教學效果較不明顯。   二、實驗組學生之「性行為意向」與其「性態度」、「相關自我效能」、「同儕社會支持」呈顯著正相關,其中以「相關自我效能」及「性態度」的預測力最強,然而社會人口學變項、家庭結構、親子關係、與異性交往狀況等在本研究中並沒有呈現明顯相關性。   三、有九成實驗組學生對此次教學活動所使用的教材和教學方法感到喜歡並覺得有幫助,並建議未來能繼續施行。   四、接受性教育教學之學生表示喜歡男女一起上課。運用生活實例、以學生為中心的授課方式。讓他們自己去討論、聽聽同儕的意見進而做決定是同學最喜歡的教學方式。學生認為參與課程後讓他們了解「如何與異性相處」、「真愛的意涵」、「保護自己的方法」、「性愛步伐的調整」等。


The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the Sexuality Education Program designed for college students, and to understand the evaluation of the students in experiment group on this Sexuality Education Program. An unequal experiment and control groups design was used in this study. Four classes of Freshmen from the China College of Marine Technology and Commerce in Taipei City were purposely selected as samples and randomly divided into two parts, one as the experiment group(n=92)and the other as the control group(n=93).Therefore, 185 students were the subjects. Before the proceeding of the Sexuality Education Program, both groups had filled in the’’ sexuality knowledge, attitudes, related self-efficacy, peer social support, sexual behavior intention questionnaire” as a Pre-test. Then the students of the experiment group participated in a series of Sexuality Education Activities, which took 10 hours in a total of 5 weeks. After the intervention, all groups took a Post-test to evaluate the effects of the program. The data was analyzed by using Paired-t test, ANCOVA and multiple regression. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The Sexuality Education Program could significantly increase sexuality knowledge, attitude, related self-efficacy, peer social support of the College students, but for sexual behavior intention, the effect was not significant. 2. The sexual behavior intention of the students in the experiment group showed positive correlation about their sexual attitude, peer social support, and related self-efficacy. Among them, the related self-efficacy and sexual attitude especially showed best predictability. But social demographical variables, family structure, parent-child relationship, and condition of dating with opposite sex were not significantly correlated. 3. Ninety percent of the students in the experimental group enjoyed and felt benefited from curriculum and teaching method of these activities, and suggested to carry it on in the future. 4. Students of Sexuality Education Program enjoyed the program in co-ed class. Their three most favored ways were real- life scenarios using, student-oriented teaching method, discussing with peers, exchange thoughts and reach their decisions thereafter. Students regarded the program as helping them understand “how to get along with opposite sex”, ”meaning of true love”, ”ways to protect yourself”, ”tuning of sexual rhythm”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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