


A Study on the Relationship between Married Career Women's Work-Family Conflict and Marital Satisfaction-An Example of the Bureau of the National Health Insurance




王恩惠(En-Hui Wan)


已婚職業婦女 ; 工作家庭衝突 ; 婚姻滿意度 ; married career women ; work-family conflict ; marital satisfaction




12卷2期(2006 / 09 / 01)


13 - 35




本研究旨在分析已婚職業婦女工作家庭衝突與婚姻滿意度之差異情形,並探討其影響因素。研究者採取配額抽樣策略,以中央健康保險局已婚女性員工為對象,合計有效問卷為300份。將回收問卷整理編碼並予以登錄及建立資料檔。再利用SPSS of Windows統計套裝軟體併以探索性因素分析、內部一致性分析、相依樣本變異數分析、多變項變異數分析、積差相關、逐步多元迥歸分析等方法進行統計考驗。研究工具包括「基本資料調查表」、「工作家庭衝突量表」、「婚姻滿意度量表」。本研究結果發現: (1)已婚職業婦女的工作家庭衝突因素中以工作干擾家庭較高。 (2)已婚職業婦女的婚姻滿意度因素中以哲學層面影響程度較深。 (3)不同背景已婚職業婦女工作家庭衝突差異以每日家務時數影響程度較廣。 (4)不同背景的已婚職業婦女婚姻滿意度差異以配偶所得影響程度較大。 (5)已婚職業婦女工作家庭衝突與婚姻滿意度有負相關。 (6)已婚職業婦女背景變項與工作家庭衝突對婚姻滿意度有影響。 根據本研究之結果顯示及結論,對已婚職業婦女的家庭、家庭教育相關部門、政府相關部門提出幾項建議;並說明本研究的限制與未來研究方向的建議。


The study aimed to investigate the differences in married career women's work-family conflict and marital satisfaction as well as factors affecting the differences. The strategy of Quota Sampling was adopted. Subjects in the study were married female employees from the Bureau of the National Health Insurance (NHI).Three hundred copies of questionnaire were collected and then analyzed using SPSS. The following statistic analyses were conducted: exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency, analysis of variance for correlated samples, MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The instruments used in the study included the Questionnaire of Basic Information, the Work-Family Conflict Scale, and the Marital Satisfaction Scale. The findings are: (1) Among the causes of married women's work-family conflict, ”work interference with family” ranked higher. (2) The factors on the philosophical level had a deeper influence on married career women's marital satisfaction. (3) The number of hours spent on family chores had a more extensive influence on the differences in the work-family conflict of married career women with different backgrounds. (4) Income of spouse had a greater influence on the differences in marital satisfaction of married career women with different backgrounds. (5) Married career women's work-family conflict was negatively correlated with their marital satisfaction. (6) The variables of married career women's backgrounds had significant effects on the correlations between their work-family conflict and their marital satisfaction. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions were made for married career women's family, family education institutions, and government departments. Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were also stated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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