


The Study of Dating and Intimate Behaviors among College Students in Taiwan




馮嘉玉(Jia-Yuh Ferng);晏涵文(Han-Wen Yen)


大專院校 ; 約會行為 ; 親密行為 ; college ; the dating behaviors ; the intimate behaviors




13卷1期(2007 / 04 / 01)


87 - 104




目的:了解臺灣大專院校學生的約會及親密行為,並分析影響其約會行為與親密行為的可能因素。 方法:以分層群集抽樣方法,選取分布於臺灣北、中、南地區大學二年級與五專五年級學生樣本,共計1148人,進行橫斷式問卷調查。 結果:大專院校學生有約會經驗者占67.2%,其中曾與約會對象發生性交者占30.9%(男性46.3%,女性23.0%)。婚前性行為態度、婚前親密行為容許度、曾經約會過的異性人數與大專院校學生親密行為開放度成顯著正相關。性別、重要他人、居住情況、父母管教方式與個人的婚前性行為態度、婚前親密行為容許度的關聯性均達到顯著程度。 結論:多數大專院校學生傾向在約會雙方感情基礎較穩定的狀態,才發生接吻、愛撫或性交等較親密的身體接觸行為。而曾經約會過的異性人數越多,越認可婚前性行為的正面價值,且對於他人婚前親密行為表達越高容許程度的大專院校學生,自己實際表現出來的親密行為開放程度也越高。


Objective: To understand the dating and intimate behaviors among college students in Taiwan, and to analyze the factors influencing those behaviors. Methods: A stratified cluster sampling method was used to identify 1,148 students in the second-year of university and fifth-grade of 5-year junior college in North, Central, and South part of Taiwan. A cross-section questionnaire was applied to collect data. Results: 67.2% of college students had dating experiences and 30.9% (46.3% of the male and 23.0% of the female) of them had sexual intercourse with their dating partner. The attitude towards premarital sexual behavior, permissiveness of intimate behavior before marriage, and the number of people of opposite gender that ever dated were significantly positively correlated with the degree of acceptance of intimate behaviors among college students. Gender, significant others, dwelling type, and parental disciplinary manners were significantly associated with students' attitude towards premarital sexual behavior, and premissiveness of intimate behavior before marriage. Conclusions: Most of the college students tend to wait until their relationship progress to a more stable status to have intimate body contact, such as kissing, fondling or having sexual intercourse. People who date more with the opposite gender are more likely to recognize positive values of having sexual behavior before marriage. Also, those students who have higher tolerance of other people's intimate behaviors before marriage tend to be more open with their actual intimate behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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