


Life Skills Related to Sexuality Education and Their Correlations of Two Middle School Students in Taipei County




黃久美(Chiu-Mieh Huang);彭湘庭(Hsiang-Ting Peng);晏涵文(Han-Wen Yen);郭鐘隆(Jong-Long Guo)


性教育 ; 生活技能 ; 量表建立 ; 家庭功能 ; sexuality education ; life skills ; instrument development ; family function




13卷2期(2007 / 09 / 01)


67 - 82




以往的性教育,雖經常討論到生活技能之概念與技能學習,卻缺乏有系統之調查。依據世界衛生組織定義,生活技能是讓個體具有適應、積極的行爲,並且能有效處理日常生活中各種需求與挑戰的能力。本研究目的爲發展一個評估國民中學學生性教育相關生活技能的問卷,並以中型樣本測試此問卷之信效度,以瞭解影響學生生活技能得分之社會人口學變項。 調查對象是台北縣某兩所國民中學七年級學生,每校抽取四班,共計八班270人,由於研究團隊人員在回收問卷過程中逐題檢視,故無與效問卷被剔除,有效問卷爲100%。 本問卷整體信度爲0.96,認知、情緒和人際技能也分別高達0.85、0.87和0.93,信度堪稱優良。因素分析顯示三個分量表也僅各抽出一個因素,專家效度CVI爲0.90,建構效度與表面效度尚可接受。學生自我報告顯示,人際技能、認知和情緒技能都有中上水準,但以情緒技能最低。女生、學業成就較高、母親社經地位較高和家庭功能無障礙者,其生活技能得分顯著高於相對的同儕。其中以家庭功能和學業成就爲最顯著的二個預測因子,但在人際技能得分方面,學生體位也是一個顯著的預測因子。 本研究顯示學校行政人員和教師應多加關注家庭功能有障礙、學業成就落後之學生,以增強其生活技能。建議未來研究可以應用本量表於評估學生性教育相關生活技能與作爲性教育計畫成效評量工具。


The concept and skill learning of life skills have been discussed frequently among educators; however, there is still scanty of systematic survey related to this issue. According to the definition of the WHO, life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviors that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges for everyday life. Learning of life skill concepts and skills are emphasized in sexuality education and a validate instrument for measuring life skills are needed. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate an instrument of sexuality education related to life skills for middle school students and to understand the predictive factors of life skills. Research subjects are the seventh grade students from two middle schools in Taipei county, four classes in each school. A total of 270 students participated in the study. An internal consistence of the instrument is 0.96. Internal consistence of three subscales are 0.85 for cognitive skill, 0.87 for emotional skill, and 0.93 for interpersonal skill respectively. The results of factor analyses indicate one factor for each of the three subscales, Expert validity is accepted at .90 based on CVI. Female, academic performance, mother's socio-economic status and family function are significant predictors of the students' self-report life skill scores. In addition, body mass index is a significant predictor of the student's self-report scores on interpersonal skills. The result indicates that students with family dysfuction and low academic performance may be at risk of poor life skills related to sexuality education. Further study is needed for applying the instrument to evaluate students' life skills related to sexuality education or effectiveness of sexuality educational programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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