


Evaluation of a Life Skill-based Sexuality Education Program for Seventh Grade Students




黃久美(Chiu-Mieh Huang);張鈞惠(Chun-Hui Chang);郭鐘隆(Jong-Long Guo);張繻方(Hsu-Fang Chang);蕭雅娟(Hsiao-Ya Chuan);洪敏玲(Min-Ling Hung)


生活技能 ; 性教育 ; 介入 ; 青少年 ; life skills ; sexuality education ; intervention ; adolescents




14卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


49 - 67






Life skill-based health education is an important protective factor against high-risk sexual behavior among adolescents. This study is designed to assess the impact of a life skill-based program for seventh-grade on three types of life skills, including cognitive, emotional coping, and interpersonal skills. The participants, 474 middle-school students, are divided into two experimental and two control groups. One pair of experimental and control groups complete self-report questionnaires before and after the program, while the other pair receives post-test only. Teachers are trained to implement the program as part of the school curriculum for 16 weeks. Differences between experimental and control groups is examined by t-tests and differences between the pretest and the post-test is examined by paired-t test. The results indicate that the program has statistically significant positive impact on two of three types of life skills (cognitive and emotional coping skills), but without statistically significant impact on interpersonal skills. The results indicate that the life skills based sexuality educational program can effectively improve the individual level of life skills. However, the impact on skills of interpersonal level is not obvious. Further investigation about fostering intimate interpersonal skills within Taiwanese culture is needed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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