


Men's and Women's Sexual Behavior in Taiwan: Intersectional Effects of Cohort, Gender, Education, and Marital Status




黃淑玲(Shu-Ling Hwang);李思賢(Tony Szu-Hsien Lee);趙運植(Yun-Chih Chao)


性行爲 ; 性調查 ; 性態度 ; 台灣社會變遷基本調查 ; Taiwan Social Change Survey ; Sexual Attitudes ; Sexual Behavior ; Sex Survey




16卷2期(2010 / 10 / 01)


1 - 28






Purpose: This paper examines the sexual behavior of Taiwanese men and women aged 19 to 71. We discuss how sexual practices intersect with social factors such as gender, age, cohort, education, and marital status to produce different outcomes among our respondents. Results are compared with American and Chinese surveys. Methods: Data were drawn from the Taiwan Social Change Survey (2002), a national face-to-face survey. The sample size is 1,790 respondents (Male=863, Female=927). Results: For the total respondents, 35 percent reported having no sexual partner within the past twelve months, 60 percent have had only one partner, and 7 percent of men and 0.5 percent of women reported having two or more partners. About 30 percent of the total number had sex at least once a week in the last year, and among them, married people have the highest rate. The modal age of our respondents' first instance of sexual intercourse was between age 20 and 25. About 65 percent of single women and about 40 percent of single men had never had sex at all. College education was negatively associated with age at first sexual intercourse. Gender differences in premarital sex and the age of the first sex act among generations were intersected by educational level, but the gap has been closed among young people. Of men, roughly 40 percent had visited sexual establishments and about 20 percent admitted having purchased sex. In comparison with Americans, Taiwanese respondents reported having first-time sex at a much later age, and a much higher rate of having no sexual partner in the past year. The gender gap in both premarital and adolescent sex among Taiwanese was still significant. Comparing with their Chinese counterparts, our Taiwanese respondents age above 25 also had a higher rate of being sexually inexperienced. Conclusion: The so-called sexual revolution that has reshaped the sexual behavior of Americans since the late 20 century has not yet occurred in Taiwan. A solid comparison of changing sexual behavior among Taiwanese and Chinese requires further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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