


The Effectiveness of a School-based HIV/AIDS Educational Program among Grade 10 Night School Students in Taoyuan County, Taiwan




陳佳伶(Chia-Ling Chen);鄭其嘉(Chi-Chia J. Cheng);黃惠鈞(Hui-Chun Huang);陳富莉(Fu-Li Chen);劉宜廉(Yi-Lien Liu);史麗珠(Lai-Chu See)


愛滋知識 ; 性態度 ; 性行爲 ; 愛滋防治教育 ; 夜校生 ; HIV/AIDS knowledge ; sexual attitude ; sexual behavior ; AIDS prevention education ; night school students




17卷1期(2011 / 04 / 01)


1 - 20




目的:設計愛滋防治教材,並評估衛教介入對夜校高中職一年級生在愛滋知識、性態度、安全性行爲自我效能、危險性行爲之成效。方法:採隨機分派有控制組前、後测準實驗設計,實驗組進行愛滋防治衛教、對照組1進行菸害防制衛教、對照組2於研究結束後進行兩種衛教(各三週、每週30分鐘),採多階段、集束比例抽樣。2009年10月進行前測(T0),2009年11月進行後利(T1),2010年3月進行後後測(T2)。問卷不記名,但要填寫抽獎編號及生日。結果:三次發出1,077份問卷,有效問卷810份(309人),配對158人(51.1% =155/309)。(1)實驗組愛滋知識答對率在T0、T1、T2分別爲50.1%、56.4%、60.3%(T1 vs.T0: p=.038;T2 vs. To:p=.001),且T2-T0改變量顯著高於對照組1、2 (p=.004)。(2)三組的性態度、安全性行爲自我效能、危險性行爲之立即、短期成效均不顯著。(3)T0及T2之性行爲,實驗組(1.9%=1/54)增加比例低於兩組對照組(7.4%=4/54, 6.0%=/50),但未達統計顯著意義。結論:衛教介入只在愛滋知識有立即與短期成效,但在性態度、安全性行爲自我效能及危險性行爲均無顯著成效。


To design the HIV/AIDS prevention teaching material and evaluate the effectiveness of this health education intervention program on the 10th-grade vocational high school night students on their HIV/AIDS knowledge, sexual attitude, self-efficacy of safe sexual behavior, and risky sexual behavior. Methods: Multi-staged random sampling was used to obtain the experimental and two control groups. The AIDS prevention program was given to the experimental group; a health education of smoking prevention given to the control group 1, and the control group 2 took these two programs after the intervention ended (each one three weeks, 30 minutes each week). The multiple stage cluster sampling was adopted. The pre-test (T0) and post-test (T1) were done respectively in September and November, 2009, and the follow-up test (T2) was done in March, 2011, anonymous but with lottery number and birth date. There were 810 valid questionnaires (N=309) out of 1,077 copies in the three tests. Results: (1) The correct rates on HIV/AIDS knowledge in the experimental group on T0, T1, T2 are respectively 50.1%, 56.4% and 60.3% (T0 vs. T0: p=.038; T2 vs. T0: p=.001), and the difference of correct rate between T2-T0 are significantly higher than the control groups 1 and 2 (p=.004). (2) The immediate, short-term effects of the sexual attitude, self-efficacy of safe sexual behavior, and risky sexual behavior among the three groups are not significant. (3) The increasing rate of the sexual behavior on T0 and T2 in the experimental group (1.9%=1/54) are lower than that of the two control groups (7.4%=4/54, 6.0%=3/50), but not significant different. Conclusion: In this health education intervention only HIV/AIDS knowledge has immediate and short-term effect on the students, but not sexual attitude, self-efficacy of sexual behavior, and risky sexual behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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