The purpose of this study was to design an intervention program on senior students' sexuality education and to evaluate its effectiveness. This study adopted nonequivalent experiment control group design, 111students for the experiment group; 99 students for the control group, who received regular teaching and activities. The intervention was carried out 2 hours a week, consecutively 7 weeks. There were pre and post tests, and the post-post test, which was administered 8 weeks after the intervention. The assessment contained the effect assessment and the process assessment of the sexuality education. The former one, a self-constructed structured questionnaire, included sexual awareness, sex knowledge, sexual behavioral attitude, subjective regulation, delayed sexual behavior and the sexual health intention of using condoms, self-efficacy of the refusal of premarital sex, life skills in boy-girl relationship. ANCOVA was used in the statistics analysis, and the portfolio assessment and student focus group were adopted for process assessment.The results of the study indicate: (1) sexuality education intervention has immediate effects on each factor; (2) there is a delayed effect on sexual awareness, sex knowledge, sexual behavioral attitude, self-efficacy of the refusal of sexual behavior, life skills in boy-girl relationship, and behavior intention of sexual health; (3) the experiment group has better concepts of holistic sex, humanity, life philosophy and love; (4) ninety percent of the students are satisfied with the teaching and think it is worth promoting.
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