


Decoding the Meaning of Metrosexuals from the Perspective of Media and Audience: Narration, Semiotics and Reception Analysis


詹琇惠(Hsiu-Hui Chan);盧鴻毅(Hung-Yi Lu);侯心雅(Hsin-Ya Hou);馬立君(Li-Chun Ma)


接收分析 ; 敘事分析 ; 符號學分析 ; 都會型男 ; Metrosexual ; narrative analysis ; semiotic analysis ; reception analysis




19卷1期(2013 / 04 / 01)


67 - 94




本研究以「酷男的異想世界」節目為例,探討該節目如何再現都會型男,並瞭解閱聽人如何解讀此一節目的文本意義。該節目藉由「酷兒」(queer)的品味為「直男」(straight man)打造都會型男風格,而節目中也以揭露男性隱私來滿足閱聽人的好奇心,男性身體成為大眾窺伺消費的對象。以敘事及符號學分析來看,「酷男的異想世界」節目中所呈現的符徵、符旨,不斷指涉非都會型男是隨便的、沒有教養的、自私的;而都會型男則是富有文化的、有品味的、進取的、體貼的。本研究訪談9位閱聽人之接收分析則發現,該節目的確有助閱聽人瞭解都會型男的特質;訪談對象中,中年、傳統男性對都會型男風格給予較負面的評價,女性及較年輕的男性則較能接受都會型男,且佩服其忠於自我的勇氣。節目透過美食、室內設計、時尚及保養等不同面向,展現男性角色操演的更多可能性,表面上以「打造型男」為主題,其深層結構的思維,則是希望消除、跨越或顛覆同性/異性、男人文化/女人文化、剛強/陰柔的二元對立,瞭解與學習任何一種性別認同的人都可以活出自己期望的形象。


This study aims to analyze how the TV program ”Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” represents the image of ”the metrosexuals.” The ”Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” program allows queers to help straight men forge the life style of metrosexuals. By doing so, this program enables the audience to probe men's privacy in order to satisfy their curiosity.The results of narrative and semiotic analyses indicate that the program attempted to represent non-metrosexuals as unmannered, underbred, and selfish while metrosexuals were depicted as cultivated, of good taste, up-and-coming, and considerate. The results of reception analysis, in which nine participants were interviewed, revealed that the content of ”Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” helped the audience realize the characteristics of metrosexuals. In general, middle-aged and traditional males tended to express negative feelings towards metrosexuals while females and young males tended to show positive feelings toward them, accepting and admiring their courage of pursuing self-identity.The program displays the variety of gender-identity concerning males which, in turn, crosses the boundaries between homosexuality/heterosexuality, male culture/female culture, and toughness/tenderness. By doing so, this program enables the audience to believe that through understanding and learning, individuals with different gender-identity can live the way they expect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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