


Human Papillomavirus, Cervical Cancer Prevention, and Sexual Behavior




陳菁徽(Ching-Hui Chen);邱立軒(Li-Hsuan Chiu);黎進三(Chin-San Lee);阮芳賦(Fang-Fu Ruan);陳國彥(Kuo-Yen Chen);劉偉民(Wei-Min Liu);朱元祥(Yuan-Hsiang Chu)


人類乳突病毒 ; 人類乳突病毒疫苗 ; 性態度 ; human papillomavirus ; human papillomavirus vaccine ; sex behavior




20卷1期(2014 / 05 / 01)


83 - 110




人類乳突病毒(human papillomavirus, HPV)是一種極為普遍的性傳染病毒,其致病原因與發生率亦與性行為模式息息相關。致癌型的人類乳突病毒感染為女性子宮頸癌、外陰癌及陰道癌的致病主因,而非致癌型則為生殖道尖形濕疣的致病原因。研究顯示,HPV在子宮頸的感染案例中,兩成左右為持續性感染,而這些案例則可能形成女性子宮頸的癌前病變,甚至可能造成子宮頸癌。因此,對HPV感染與預防的知識便極為重要。目前的研究已證實施打HPV疫苗已成為預防子宮頸癌及相關癌前病變之有效方式,在許多國家的醫學界亦已建立接種疫苗之相關共識。但對不同族群而言,如未有性行為之年輕族群、男、女同志族群等,其接種與防治HPV傳染之意義皆有所不同。本文以一綜觀面相,綜論與此病毒相關之傳染、預防知識,以及其預防手段在性態度或對不同性傾向族群之關聯與意義,並期待大眾對其建立正確之疾病預防策略與認知。


Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a highly prevalent sex-transmitted disease. The spreading of HPV is associated with sex behavior. Oncogenic types of HPV are the etiologic agent of cervical cancer, while non-oncogenic types of HPV may result in genital warts. Eighty percent of cervical HPV-infected women may have disease regression within 2 years, while the other 20% have a persistent infection, which may result in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Current studies have confirmed the effectiveness of pap smear cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer and certain sex-transmitted diseases. However, consensus varies regarding the target population for HPV vaccination. This article introduces the updated information for HPV etiology, epidemiology and prevention, and discusses the current status and underlying barrier for HPV vaccination to particular age or sex groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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