In the education streaming process of senior high schools in Taiwan, there is always a gender segregation tendency that boys are inclined to choose natural science programs while girls choose humanity and social science programs. This article intended to know how students who broke traditional regulations in humanity and social science programs construct and practice their masculinities. Therefore, 16 male students in a boys' senior-high-school in central Taiwan were selected as the participants, and the author further analyzed the masculinity construction and practice process of students in humanity and social science programs based on the data collected from in-depth interviews and focus group interviews. It is found that majoring in natural science programs is the main choice in the school, that students who choose humanity and social science programs will meet different obstacles and discrimination, causing them stresses and troubles. The practice of masculinity in humanity and social science programs will experience "denied and re-constructed" process. On one hand, it resists and denies masculinity value in natural science programs. On the other hand, it will build multiple masculinities of boys in humanity and social science programs. However, single gender study environment makes it hard for them to get rid of traditional patriarchal culture and value bondage, and think their academic performances and achievements are better than girls. It is expected through this study that more students can get rid of gender consciousness bondage and carry out gender equality so as to further build a gender friendly learning environment.
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