


An Empirical Study of Sex Behavior Intention of College Students Based on Theory of Planned Behavior




羅家倫(Chia-Lun Lo);黃鈺雯(Yu-Wen Huang)


自我效能 ; 性行為意圖 ; 性知識 ; 性態度 ; 計畫行為理論 ; self-efficacy ; sex behavior intention ; sex knowledge ; sex attitude ; theory of planned behavior




24卷1期(2018 / 05 / 01)


93 - 122






Sex taboos and sex autonomy have achieved breakthroughs following an increasingly open social trend. Because of college students' lack of social experience and low average income, becoming a parent too early may result in lack of time and resources for the next generation; many social problems will arise accordingly. However, are college students, who have total autonomy, prone to having sex without planning? Do college students have everything planned out prior to engaging in sex? Based on the aforementioned considerations, the researchers used the theory of planned behavior to explore the relationship between college students' sex knowledge, sex attitude, and self-efficacy of sex intentions. Three hundred eighty-one questionnaires were collected from the students of different universities in southern Taiwan for the analysis of the correlations among various factors and understanding the relationship between sex intentions and actual sex behavior. In addition, this study also compared differences in the understanding of sex intentions between medical and non-medical college students. The results verified that the influence of sex knowledge on college students' sex attitude and sex behavior regulation achieved statistical significance, although it had no effect on the self-efficacy of sex behavior. Students with high sex behavior regulation and self-efficacy of sex behavior, together with a low sex attitude, had high sex intention. However, high sex intention was irrelevant to college students' actual sex behavior. In terms of the differences between majors, the sex attitude, self-efficacy of sex behavior, and experiences in sexual intercourse of medical students were statistically significant compared to those of non-medical students. This study thus argues that despite college students legally possessing behavioral autonomy, they still require regulations on sex behavior to prevent unsafe sex due to their inadequate social experience. Therefore, the relevant education or counseling professionals are suggested to evaluate students' sex attitude in a timely manner to identify college students with lower than average self-control. Relevant courses on relationships between the sexes should also be enhanced throughout the course of learning to enable college students to truly grasp social situations before and after having sex, in order to improve their self-efficacy and reduce the chances of having sex during their college years.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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