


The Promotion of Sexuality Education among College Students in the Post-Epidemic Era: Applications of Online Learning and Reflective Writing




林秀純(Shiu-Chun Lin);盧瑞華(Jui-Hua Lu);宋素卿(Su-Ching Sung)


反思寫作 ; 性教育 ; 線上學習 ; reflective thinking writing ; sexuality education ; online learning




27卷1期(2021 / 05 / 01)


93 - 110






College life is an important stage for the development of intimacy. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has been promoting the "Implementation Plan for Sexuality Education in the universities (including AIDS Prevention)" to cultivate college students with the knowledge, attitudes, values and skills of sex and intimacy. However, the COVID-19 epidemic has challenged the original ways of promoting sexuality education, and it has urged practitioners to rethink alternative methods. In response to the opportunity of promoting sexuality education for college students in the post-epidemic era, this article proposed to promote college sexuality education through online learning and reflective writing. Therefore, this article reviewed the literatures on college students' sexuality knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, online learning, reflective writing, and applicable strategies for sexuality education, and provided practical observations and application scenarios and their limitations. When promoting sexuality education in the future, it is recommended that sexuality education practitioners should make good use of the trend of students' preference for internet technology and communication media to develop online teaching materials and teaching modules for college sexuality education, supplemented by reflective writing to allow students to integrate reflection into online learning process. This can promote students to deepen the study of the meaning of sexuality education, and then achieve the objectives of sex value clarification and positive sex attitude through precipitation, transformation, and clarification of their own feelings, values and attitudes towards sex.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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