


Domestification and Observation-The Disease Experience and Discourse of Nation among the Tang, Sung Scholars' Southern Experience




張蜀蕙(Shu-Hui Chang)


南方 ; 疾病 ; 唐宋 ; 柳宗元 ; 蘇軾 ; 黃庭堅 ; South ; disease ; Tang Sung Dynasty ; Liu Zong-Yuan ; Su Shi ; Huang Ting-Jian




7期(2005 / 07 / 01)


41 - 84






The scholars of Tang, Sung Dynasty were banished to the south, the environment with a whole new kind of culture, products, and climate. Their innermost anxiety were burst out upon diseases. The barbarism and lack of medical apparatus was shown in the scholars' writings, which perform that the South is a world full of disease and which makes people frightened. These discourses were composed with both real southern experiences and imaginative ones. Seeing the uncontrollable disease in the South, they construct a ”non-native world” with a discourse of nation. They were suffering from the adverse environment, which reflects on their national and imaginative disease writing. Among it, they became patients without any dominating power in the South. The culture environment also deepened their inner distress, which they feel all the more in their disease. As a result, the banished scholars' discourse of disease which constructed in the southern life is not only for expressing what they fear in their mind-to live with the barbarians and be barbarized; what more important is that it is the way they reconstruct their lost dominating power. On the other hand, these banished scholars experienced the South through disease, which though never left them any chance to hide but at last, on the contrary, became a start for them to think about what life was to be. In terms of the study in this paper, the tendency of disease discourse of the scholars from Tang to Sung Dynasty actually made some changes. The Tang people described more about the annoyance of disease and the terror of death's approaching, and the Sung people wrote more about how to preserve one's health and to resist malaria. Thus it can be seen that the changes of disease writing is just the progress of their relationship with South-from domesticating, being domesticated, to staring, and observation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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