


Nation Consciousness and Ethnicity's Revivification: The Study of Nan-Ming Writing by Chen Qu-Bing




林香伶(Hsiang-Ling Lin)


南社 ; 陳去病 ; 南明 ; 南明書寫 ; 國粹學報 ; Nan Sheh ; Chen Qu-Bing ; Nan-Ming ; the Nan-Ming Writing ; Wu Shi Zhi ; Quo Cui Journal




10期(2007 / 01 / 01)


181 - 231




陳去病(1874-1933),吳江同里人,早年支持維新運動,1903年赴日,開始接觸革命派,返國後組織黃社、秋社、南社等革命性社團。這些社團在倡導革命之餘,又以南社諸子從事「南明書寫」最為熾熱,南社在前朝找尋歷史印記的指標年代,以為呼喚國魂的媒介,同時也展現國族概念懷想的意圖。 陳去病是南社諸子早期從事「南明書寫」的代表人物。1903年他輯錄《陸沉叢書》記載清人入關暴行,以達革命宣傳效用,激發黃天、高旭等人反滿情緒;1904年編《清秘史》詳盡搜羅滿族歷史,力邀柳亞子作序,漸次開拓「南明書寫」風氣。1905年起,陳去病陸續在《國粹學報》發表詩文,慷慨贈書予該刊藏書樓,除單篇史傳外,於該刊「叢談」、「史篇」欄連載《五石脂》、《明遺民錄》,整個「南明書寫」系譜建立更為完整。 就陳去病「南明書寫」顯示的意涵來看,他以黃帝紀元為南明紀實,大量記錄吳地、福建、揚州等東南地區的抗清史事,具明顯的地域性;尤其他以周莊、松陵人自居,為曾經屯兵於此的明末將領作傳,具有搜羅鄉邦文獻之意。再者,他為明末遺民作傳,著墨傳主不事異族、隱逸躲藏的事蹟,強調文字不可亡對民族傳承的重要性,則是族群復興之旨的表現。


Chen Qu-Bing (1874-1933) was born in Tong-Li in Wu-Jiang. In his early strage, Chen was supported the modernization movement. At 1903, he contacted the revolutionary dispatch in Japan. After that, he began to organize revolutionary associations in Chain, including Huang-Sheh, Qiu-Sheh, and Nan-Sheh. Among those revolutionary associations, Nan-Sheh was the most active of all, which was very fond of Nan-Ming Writing. Through the work of Nan-Sheh, the revolutionary association tried to find the mark of gone dynasty to recall the soul of country, and to show the nostalgia for a lost nation. Chen Qu-Bing was a representative of early stage Nan Sheh. He edited Series-books of Lu-Chen at 1903 to record barbarity of Qing people. Then, the propagated revolution fire up Huang Tian and Gao Xu to resist Qing-Dynasty. At 1904, he edited the Secretary histories of Qing-Dynasty which detailed the history of Ming-Qing. He also invited Liu Ya-Zi to write the preface which extended the Nan-Ming Writing's fashions litter by litter. At 1905, Chen Qu-Bing continually announced poem in Journal of Guo-Cui, generously as a gift to the Book Story-building. Besides the single history biography, many others like Cong-Tan, Shi-Pian, Wu-Shi-Zhi and biographies of the Late-Ming's people published in the Journals. All the Nan-Ming Writing was established more completely. From Chen Qu-Bing's Nan-Ming Writing, he used Huang-Di era to record actual events as Nan-Ming's history, which largely recorded the resistance movements to Qing Dysnsty in the southeast area at Wu-Di、Fu-Jian and Yang-Zhou. Especially, he regarded himself as Zhou-Zhuang and Song-Ling people. He wrote the biographies for the Late-Ming's admirals. In addition, he wrote the biographies of the Late-Ming's people, spreading the propaganda of not serving other race, and the story of hiding oneself to be a hermit. Anyway, he emphasized the importance of word to the survival of race.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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