


Zhong and Tan's Punctuation Criticism and Qian's Exegeses on Du Fu's Poems Interpretations in Early-Qing Period




陳美朱(Mei-Chu Chen)


鍾惺 ; 譚元春 ; 錢謙益 ; 杜詩 ; 清初 ; Zhong Xing ; Tan Yuanchun ; Qian Qianyi ; Du Fu's poems ; early-Qing




10期(2007 / 01 / 01)


81 - 105




晚明鍾惺(1574-1625)、譚元春(1586-1637)兩人共同編選的《唐詩歸》,在明、清之際頗具影響力,也使得鍾、譚評點杜詩的內容,經常被清初詩評家所引用與批評。而錢謙益(1582-1664)以鉤稽考核史事的方式來闡明杜詩內涵的箋注特色,對清代學者註解杜詩亦有重大影響;其箋注杜詩,屢屢抉發詩中「譏刺」之意,也甚為時人所批評、訾議。 有鑒於鍾、譚評點杜詩與錢謙益箋注杜詩,對清初杜詩闡釋有重大的影響力,堪稱是清初杜詩學的研究基礎,故本文除了論述鍾、譚評點與錢謙益箋注杜詩的差異外,亦擬透過清初詩評家所引用鍾、譚評杜與錢氏箋杜的內容,來突顯兩家闡釋杜詩所為人接受的特色;而鍾、譚與錢氏論杜,又分別有哪些部分遭人詬病、批評?從中不僅有助於理解兩家評論杜詩的要旨與缺失,對於清初杜詩學的發展脈絡,也當有整理爬梳之益。


In the late period of Chinese Ming Dynasty, Zhong Xing (1574-1625) and Tan Yuanchun (1586-1637) teamed up together to compile Tang Shi Gui or the Anthology of Tang Poems-which possessed quite significant influence during Ming and Qing Dynasties; whilst the contents of their literary punctuation criticism on Du Fu's poems were used to be cited and criticized at the same time. Furthermore, Qian Qianyi (1582-1664) also interpreted distinctiveness of annotated manuscripts in Du Fu's Poems based on historical sources-which then brought tremendous influence on Qing Dynasty scholars' literary interpretations. On the other hand, some acrid connotations were often dredged up from exegeses of Du Fu's poems; thus, made these manuscripts have gained copious censure and criticism from the public throughout that epoch (which also built negative assessments of early-Qing scholars). In views of the fact that Zhong and Tan's punctuation criticism and Qian Qianyi's exegeses of Du Fu's poems, has tremendous impact on the interpretations of Du Fu's poems in the early-Qing period and also became the fundamental groundwork for researches on Du Fu's Poems of early-Qing period. Therefore, this study does not merely criticize, discuss, or portray the disparity between Zhong and Tan's punctuation criticism and Qian's exegeses of Du Fu's poems manuscripts; but also hinges on quotations made by the experts on literary criticism in the early-Qing period-which were founded on the contents of Zhong and Tan's criticism and Qian's exegeses on Du Fu's poems-in order to highlight, as well as to make the interpretations and characteristics which had been stated by these two literary households (i.e. Zhong Xing, Tan Yuanchun and Qian Qianyi) gain public acknowledgements. Hence, when these three literary authorities-Zhong Xing, Tan Yuanchun and Qian Qianyi-remarked their critiques, who would dare to denounce or deprecate then? This thesis aims to achieve deeper insight and understanding of essential merits and demerits between these two households of literary critics on Du Fu's poems-which will be contributive to explicate and regulate the whole context of Du Fu's poems in the early-Qing period.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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