


The Aesthetic Style of "Tsu-chü" (Drama Set) in the Ming Dynasty




游宗蓉(Tsung-Jung Yu)


雜劇 ; 組劇 ; 美感型態 ; 畸美 ; 和美 ; tsa-chü ; tsu-chü drama set ; aesthetic style ; malformed beauty ; harmonic beauty




13期(2008 / 07 / 01)


155 - 188






”Tsu-chü” (drama set) is a new form of drama creation which is developed in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. ”Tsu-chü” is a collection of ”Tsa-chü”, combining several different plays with the same title. Each play in the tsu-chü is independent and completed; On the other hand, different plays in the tsu-chü are combined as a whole because of their related material, content or theme. By looking into the aesthetic styles of tsu-chü in the Ming Dynasty, this article discusses how playwrights structure the aesthetic performance of their works, then acknowledges how they observe and depict their objects. The aesthetic style of tsu-chü in the Ming Dynasty is divided in to ”malformed beauty” and ”harmonic beauty”. ”Malformed beauty” includes the characteristics of novelty, absurdity and buffoonery. However, the major form of ”malformed beauty” is novelty and buffoonery that uses absurdity as the core. ”Harmonic beauty”, on the other hand, covers the aspects of elegance, balance and implication. ”Malformed beauty” and ”harmonic beauty” indicate how the playwrights observe and depict their objects with different attitudes and approaches. Hence, this style constructs another kind of aesthetic effect. In the works of ”malformed beauty”, playwrights use the techniques of deformation, exaggeration, inharmonic contrast and symbolism to set up the atmosphere of extravagancy or burlesque in order to show the absurd life and society they observe. However, in the works of ”harmonic beauty”, playwrights apply techniques like elegant language, combining classics and blending of feeling and scene so the works present a harmonic, composed and dignified style to express the liberator's traditional refined culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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