


The Yijing Studies of Sima Guang




林素芬(Su-Fen Lin)


司馬光 ; 易說 ; 潛虛 ; 王弼 ; 義出於數 ; Sima Guang Yishuo ; Qianxu ; Wang Bi ; number and form




13期(2008 / 07 / 01)


67 - 110






This paper discusses the original contribution of Sima Guang's two works on the Yijing, their relationship with trends of Yijing studies in the Northern Song, and their position in the history of Yijing studies in general. I first discuss the editions and the veracity of the Yishuo and the Qianxu, affirming that these do represent basic aspects of Sima's thought on the Yijing. Accordingly, I discuss some of the aspects of Sima's thought as represented in these two books, showing that Sima is rebutting the Xuenxue tradition of Yijing studies derived from Wang Bi, and reaffirming the importance of the school of number and form symbolism (shu-xiang). Sima thus establishes his own school of interpretation based on Confucian principles, bridging the traditional dichotomy between interpretations based on moral principles and those based on number and form symbolism. Sima uses his theory of the action of qi to counter the focus of Wang Bi on emptiness (wu) by taking the relationship of the substance-function (ti-yong) dyad with the essence-actualization (ben-mo) dyad within the context of emptiness and presence (you), reconsidering this relationship in the context of birth and transformation (sheng-hua). In this sense, emptiness is the primal, inchoate qi (hun yi yuan qi) that is a productive force referred to as the great ultimate (tai-ji). Moreover, the great ultimate can also be considered as unity (yi), the ultimate principle (zhi-li) or centrality (zhong); it is thus the qi that can give rise to the principle of movement and completion (yun hua sheng cheng) or of continual production (sheng sheng bu xi).In this way, Sima Guang's Yijing theory is similar to that of Zhou Dunyi or Zhang Zai, a mixture of cosmology and ontology. In contrast to Wang Bi's emphasis on principles and slighting of form symbolism, Sima considers number and form symbolism as the foundation of moral principles in his interpretation of the Yijing. As a result, he constructs a new system of number and form symbolism, one that combines the way of Heaven (tian dao) and the way of Man (ren dao), the laws of nature and construction of society and government. This makes the relationship between the way of Heaven and the way of Man more natural. The resulting Yijing theory is permeated with analogies of the transformation of the way of Man and the way of Heaven into numerical concepts. In the history of Northern Song Yijing studies, Sima's thought should occupy a prominent place.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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