


On the Validity of Regarding the Style as a Proof of Identifying Fake Poetry




劉漢初(Hon-Chor Lau)


風格 ; 文學史 ; 辨偽 ; 蘇軾 ; 沁園春 ; style ; the history of literature ; to identify fakes ; Su Shih ; Qin Yuan Chun




15期(2009 / 07 / 01)


1 - 23






When reading the developmental history of Chinese literature, we often face a problem about those crucial literary works in the history. No matter by whom they were written, the authors of these works and the time when they were composed are hard to be distinguished. Before we are able to make more accurate discourses on the history of literature, we must identify whether these pieces are authentic and confirm their ages. It is common to base the investigations into textual identification on documentary evidence; however, due to lack or insufficiency of the documents, much identification is not convincing. When this uncertainty occurs, literary scholars usually adopt a comparative study: they set up certain literary phenomena as coordinates and then compare the form or the style of these ambiguous works with the reference coordinates. These set coordinates often signify so-called ”the atmosphere of the age” or ”the style of the writer”. However, being the indices of norms, they are often so abstract and indefinite that they become very complicated and problematic. Therefore, this paper will focus on the scope of style of works (or of the writer) and try to establish some criteria for the traditional stylistic identification by researching several examples and proofs to explore the key issue. Also, this paper will reveal that Su Shih's (蘇軾) lyric of ”Qin Yuan Chun” (沁園春) (an isolated house with a blue light 孤館燈青) has a special position in Tung Po Yueh Fu (東坡樂府). The lyric is the earliest long lyric one among Su Shih's bold lyrics. Yuan Hao-wen (元好問) in Jin Dynasty was the first critic who pointed out that this lyric is a fake. Notwithstanding, it seems that no one agrees with him hitherto. Judging the style of this lyric, Yuan believed that Tung Po would have never written this sort of rash words. Although this is Yuan's personal subjective opinion, it may be plausible if we re-examine this issue in respect of the possible outer situation, the likely mental state at that day when Tung Po wrote this lyric, and his characteristics such as his consistent political virtue, tendency of temperament, linguistic attitude, etc. Nevertheless, scholars who cherish Tung Po very much have ignored the reason intentionally or unintentionally all along, or they rebutted Yuan's criticism in a more subjective way than Yuan's. In short, this instance is a good example for people to deeply think about regarding stylistics as a proof of identifying fakes.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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