The study of the Vaguai people needs our more attention because of its ethnical speciality in recent history of the Eastern Taiwan. After moving into the Vaguai river basin, the Vaguai people became the main traders between aboriginal groups in the Western and the Eastern Taiwan and they also had strong impact on other people living in that area.
The Vaguai were always hostile to the outer Taroko and the inner Taroko living in the neighborhood, but cooperated with the Chikasowan tribe of the Amis. A typical example was the ”Chikasowan incident,” in which the Vaguai helped the Chikasowan tribe to fight against the Japanese colonized government in December, 1908.
Because the Vaguais were not important subjects discussed in previous studies, their distribution, life styles and historical records during the Ching dynasty and early Japanese period have never been investigated.
This study attempts to represent the historical changes of the Vaguai people in Eastern Taiwan by reviewing literature, researching local information and oral history, and analyzing ancient maps. The results of this research not only potentially recover the lost pages of aboriginal history, but also further our understanding of Vaguai people living in the Eastern Taiwan during the Ching dynasty and early Japanese colonial period.