


Euphemism in Xin Jiaxuan's Ci: A Preliminary Study


余佳韻(Jia-Yun Yu)


春歸 ; 氣 ; 豪 ; 婉 ; 動態 ; 稼軒詞 ; "The Return of the Spring" ; vitality ; unconstrained ; euphemism ; movement ; Jiaxuan's Ci




23期(2013 / 07 / 01)


125 - 154






Most of the researches on Jiaxuan Xin's Ci focus on his unconstrained writing style; however, there are also works with well-propositioned condense quality (穠纖綿密) and high sensitiveness (體情細緻), especially those related to the motif of the return of the spring. Jiaxuan chooses Ci, inherently feminine, as the genre for representing his personal emotions. Jiaxuan produces different amount of poems in the days of spring and autumn respectively. It is therefore worth our close attention to the connections between his selection of genres and emotional representations in writing and seasons.The term, the return of the spring, involves double conditions: the re-coming and the departing of the spring; both of them result in the subjectivity and mobility of the season spring. In Jiaxuan's Ci, the time and space, originated from the sense of movement, are more magnificent and infinite than those in poems by other poets. In a sense, Jiaxuan creates a space of representing himself in the blank. On the other hand, as far as euphemism is concerned, Jiaxuan's Ci will be explored from the perspective of the depiction of the speaker's looking into the mirror and the sensitive appreciation of the returning of spring; this feminine way of narration will be analyzed. Based on my observations of Jiaxuan's method of composing, his Ci will be looked deeper into how the poet displays his personal characteristics and how he demonstrates his unconstrained vitality through this inherently feminine subject matter. For these purposes, this paper engages in both a textual analysis of ”The Return of the Spring” and discussions about the feminine way of narration as the starting point attempting to reveal Jiaxuan's unique spirit besides re-understanding the connotations of his Ci.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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