


Measuring the Attitudes of Military Conformity Using the Implicit Association Test




邱發忠(Fa-Chung Chiou);徐芝君(Chih-Chun Hsu);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen);卓淑玲(Shu-Ling Cho)


內隱聯結測驗IAT ; 內隱 ; 外顯 ; 軍事服從態度 ; implicit association test ; implicit ; explicit ; military conformity attitude




51卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


209 - 232




本研究目的在於發展內隱聯結測驗(implicit association test, IAT)以測量軍事組織成員的「軍事服從態度」。IAT設計的原理為:當「目標類別」(軍事服從)與「屬性」(正向)聯結愈強則軍事服從態度愈高,若「目標類別」(軍事服從)與「屬性」(負向)聯結較強,則反之。在預備性研究裡,以105政戰學校學生參與評定並選出極端服從及極端非服從詞彙各5個,以供作正式研究的IAT設計之用。在正式研究裡,由142位政戰學校學生參與IAT實驗接受兩個自陳測驗,此外,並由三位受試者之同儕對其服從性做評量。結果發現:1.非和諧的第五步驟(服從詞彙與負向、非服從詞彙與正向共享一鍵)及和諧的第三步驟(服從詞彙與正向、非服從詞彙與負向共享一鍵)反應時間之差確實可以界定個體軍事服從態度的建構;2.軍事服從態度IAT分數與外顯之軍事服從態度量表間呈現低相關;3.外顯測量間呈現中、高度的相關;4.內隱測量與同儕評量呈現低相關;5.經LISREL統計分析結果,軍事服從態度可區分為「內隱」及「外顯」兩個潛在因素。質言之,本研究所建製之軍事服從態度的IAT測量是測量內隱態度的有效工具,不過其運作的認知機制還需進一步的釐清,以提昇其測量效度。


This study was to develop the implicit association Test (IAT) of military conformity attitude. The rationale of designing IAT is using subject's reaction lime of judgment tasks assess their military conformity attitude. In the pilot study, after rating of military conformity by 105 Fu Hsing Kang College students, 5 extremely conformity and 5 extremely nonconformity Chinese words were selected for the IAT. In the formal study, 142 Fu Hsing Kang College students received two self-report military conformity inventories (the military conformity attitude scale and the thermometer scale of military conformity attitude), followed by the military conformity IAT. Moreover, three subject's peers rate the attitude of military conformity of subjects. The results suggested: (a) the difference of reaction time between the fifth step (incongruence) and third step (congruence) can reveal the construct validity of military conformity attitude; (b) there are no significant correlations between the IAT and any explicit military conformity attitude measurements; (c) there are significant correlations with each of any explicit military conformity attitude measurements; (d) there are low correlation between the IAT and peer rating measurement; (e) after LISREL analysis, the result supports the attitude have the construct of implicit and explicit dimensions. In sum, IAT can measure implicit military conformity attitude, but, in the future the operating cognitive mechanism underlying IAT must get more understanding for promoting measurement validity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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