


The Development and Validation of Scientific Inquiry Ability Test




吳坤璋(Kun-Chang Wu);吳裕益(Yuh-Yih Wu);黃台珠(Iris Tai-Chu Huang)


探究 ; 科學探究能力 ; 科學探究能力測驗 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; inquiry ; scientific inquiry ability ; scientific inquiry ability test ; confirmatory factor analysis




52卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


119 - 148




本研究主要目的在編製科學探究能力測驗,以評測學生的科學探究能力。本研究以高雄市國小六年級學生二七八人為研究參與對象。全測驗共分為六個分測驗,分別為觀察能力、分析能力、轉化能力、推論思考能力、批判思考能力和創造思考能力分測驗,其Cronbach's α信度依序是.64,.80,.65,.59,.61,.29。學生在本測驗得分和自然科學業成績的相關為.68,高能力組和一般能力學生在本測驗平均得分有顯著差異。以驗證性因素分析檢驗本測驗的因素結構,結果發現理論模式和觀察資料適配度良好,其中創造思考能力分測驗的信度偏低,仍有值得改進的空間。


The purpose of this study was to develop a ”Scientific Inquiry Ability Test (SIAT)” that measure students' scientific inquiry ability. The participants included 278 sixth grade students from Kaohsiung city. Six scales were developed: observation ability, analysis ability, transformation ability, inferring thinking ability, critical thinking ability, and creative thinking ability. For each scale, the Cronbach's alpha were .64, .80, .65, .59, .61, .29. There were significant correlations (p<.001) of the SIAT with students' GPA of Nature Subject (r=.68). Average and extraordinary scientific inquiry ability groups showed a significant differences (p<.001) on their SIAT scores. To examine the factor structure by utilizing confirmatory factor analysis, the scientific inquiry ability theoretical model and collected data had reached a good fit. The scale of creative thinking ability needs to be modified further in order to improve the reliability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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