The purpose of this research is to develop a self-esteem scale for middle and primary school students and to verify the self-esteem model in confirmatory factor analysis to figure out the development of self-esteem of the middle and primary school students in Taiwan, and provide references applicable in research and counseling. This scale, divided into positive/ negative self-evaluation dimension, includes 8 sub-scales and 46 questions which can be conducted within 25~30 minutes. The research selected totally 639 students from the 3rd~6th grade students of primary schools and from 1(superscript st)~2(superscript nd) grade students of middle schools in Tainan with confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity tested. The results have shown: (1) The student self-esteem scale has reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability and stability. In four sub-scales of forward self-evaluation dimension, the a coefficients were .84, .89, .83 and .89; also, in four sub-scales of negative self-evaluation dimension, the a coefficients were .78, .89, .77 and .85. The a coefficients of overall positive/negative self-evaluation dimension were .95 and .93; test-retest reliability within four weeks ranged from .78 to .93. (2) By using first and second order confirmatory factor analysis to examine the model, we found overall model fit indices indicated that the student self-esteem model fitted the observed data well. This shows the scale have a clear factorial structure.
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