


Why Does Student Behave Self-handicapping? The Mediating Effects of Perceived Competence and Test Anxiety on Patterns of Learning Behavior




陳嘉成(Chia-Cheng Chen)


自我跛足策略 ; 成就目標導向 ; 中介效果 ; 自我調整學習 ; self-handicapping ; achievement goal orientation ; mediating effect ; self-regulation learning




53卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


49 - 77




自我跛足策略是指,個人事先對未來行動失敗尋找藉口所預設之障礙。但是到底在哪些條件下,學生最可能使用自我跛足策略目前尚不得而知。本研究以成就目標理論為架構試圖探討下列幾個問題:(1)不同程度自我跛足的學生在學習組型變項上有何差異?(2)在組型變項中,哪些變項最具有區辨不同跛足程度的效果?(3)在認知與行為變項之間是否存在中介變項的影響? 本研究以1218位國中生為樣本,首先進行多變項變異數分析,結果發現:高、低自我跛足學生在認知、情意與行為變項,幾乎都達到.001的顯著差異。接下來為了探索哪些變項是造成學生採用自我跛足策略的關鍵,以上述達顯著的變項來進行逐步區別分析,結果共有五個變項進入區別方程式。此外,本研究以數學能力知覺和測驗焦慮作為中介變項,以結構方程模式(SEM)探討其對行為變項的中介效果。結果發現:學生的趨向表現目標對「生活適應」與「數學成績」的直接效果並不存在,但是透過情意變項的中介,其間接效果皆達.01的顯著水準;而精熟目標對測驗焦慮的總效果不存在,但透過能力知覺的中介,間接效果則達.001的顯著水準。


The definition of self-handicapping is to involve in creating impediments to successful performance on important tasks that individual really cares about. By using achievement goal theory as a framework, I am interested in the following arguments, (A) are there any differences between high and low handicappers in terms of patterns of learning behaviors?, (B) what variables can discriminate the high and the low handicappers wsell? (C) are there mediating factors existent between cognitive and behavior variables ? The data is based on a sample from 4 junior high schools students and sample size is1218. The conclusions in this research are as follows, (A) All learning pattern variables are significantly different, except performance goal, between high and low handicappers by MANOVA analysis. (B) There are 5 variables selected from learning pattern variables and Ⅰ place them in discriminate function to implement stepwise discriminate analysis. (C) Using SEM to investigate the significance of mediating effect (D) The direct effects between performance goal and life adjustment and Math, score is not existent. However, the indirect effects between performance goal and life adjustment and Math. score mediated by perceived competence and test anxiety are significant.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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