


Study of the Influence of Diverse Test Difficulty on Standard Setting and Score Transformation




謝進昌(Jin-Chang Hsieh);余民寧(Min-Ning Yu)


分數轉換 ; 最大測驗訊息量法 ; 換算古典測驗分數法 ; 精熟測驗 ; 精熟標凖設定 ; mastery test ; maximum test information approach ; score transformation ; standard setting ; transformed classical test scores approach




54卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29






The purpose of this study is to investigate what degree of influence may happen in applying the mastery standard deriving from maximum test information approach to classify mastery/non-mastery in contrast to classical fixed passing score under diverse test difficulty condition. In addition, for the convenience of test result interpretation, we propose the transformed classical test scores approach to convert IRT-0 ability to classical test score and try to discover the effect of score transformation in different types of difficult tests. After analysis, we find that we may have extreme skewed score distribution in using classical fixed passing score and produce ill classification of mastery/non-mastery. In contrast, the maximum test information approach may effectively reduce the degree of influence to maintain an acceptable 80% exact classification performance because of its characteristic of stable examinees’ ability calibration. In the aspect of score transformation, the effect may hold in approximately 95% exact classification in different types of difficult tests. Furthermore, from the view of empirical sample distribution, the result indicates that we may effectively lower the number of error classification deriving from score transformation in accompanying using maximum test information approach when extreme test difficulty happens. It is due to the maximum test information approach possesses the characteristic of adjusting mastery standard depending on different test difficulty. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions are proposed for future usage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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